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Numbers everyone should know

Cosmin Negruseri
26 martie 2013

Jeff Dean , a famous Google engineer, popularized a list of latency numbers everyone should know. The list is a great resource for designing large scale infrastructure systems.

Algorithms and their complexity often occur in critical parts of computer systems, but I find that few engineers have a good understanding of how a O(n!) algorithm compares to a O(n5) one.

In the coding contest world, competitors think about these tradeoffs all the time. No wonder, there's a set of numbers every algorithm designer should know.

The table below shows the limits that can be reached in a few seconds by algorithms of different complexities, n being the input size. I've added a few algorithms and data structure examples for each complexity class.

maximum ncomplexityalgorithmsdata structures
8nnbrute force, cartesian product 
11n!brute force, backtracking, next_permutation 
13-173ndynamic programming with exponential stateshash_map (to store the states)
15 - 20n2 2ndynamic programming with exponential statesbitsets, hash_map
15 - 242nsubset enumeration, brute force, dynamic programming with exponential states 
25 - 403n/2, 2n/2meet in the middlehash tables (for set intersection)
30-50n4, n5, n6  
300-500n3all pairs shortest paths, largest sum submatrix, matrix multiplication, matrix chain multiplication, network flow 
1000 - 10,000n2largest empty rectangle, Dijkstra, Prim (on dense graphs) 
50,000n1.585, n sqrt nKaratsuba, square root tricktwo level tree
100,000n log2 ndivide and conquer2d range trees
1,000,000n log nsorting, divide and conquer, sweep line, Kruskal, Dijkstrasegment trees, range trees, heaps, treaps, binary indexed trees, suffix arrays
10,000,000n, n log log n, n log* nset intersection, Eratosthenes sieve, radix sort, KMP, topological sort, Euler tour, strongly connected components, 2satdisjoint sets, tries, hash_map, rolling hash
1,000,000,000log n, sqrt nbinary search, ternary search, fast exponentiation, euclid algorithm 