Glenn Quagmire (Quagmire)

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NumeGlenn Quagmire
StatutUtilizator normal
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Glenn Quagmire (spelled Glen on some occasions but usually called Quagmire) is a character on the animated series, Family Guy. Notable for his prodigious libido, he is voiced by the show's creator and lead writer, Seth MacFarlane. Quagmire's sexual obsession and complete lack of morality have made him one of the most popular characters on the show. His catchphrase is "Giggity giggity", usually said whenever something sexual is mentioned or if a sexual situation occurs.

Many gags associated with Quagmire, if not all of them, feature his sexual exploits, tendencies, and fetishes, which are often hinted at or stated outright as being above and beyond what many would consider "normal;" indeed, Quagmire's sexual tendencies often lean towards the criminal. Various gags throughout the show have suggested that his "diverse" sexual appetite includes (but is certainly not limited to) rape (including statutory), incest, drug usage, bestiality, and necrophilia. He is shown on the verge of engaging in sexual activity with his mother twice, suggesting that this is a regular occurrence for him. Some gags suggest that he is a registered sex-offender. For instance, in the episode Emission Impossible, Peter takes Chris, Meg, and Stewie to Quagmire's house to stay with him while they go to Lois's sisters. Quagmire says "Well, in accordance with Megan's Law, I'm obligated to inform you, uh, never mind." Peter Griffin has referred to Quagmire as a "heartless sex hound" in his presence while in mixed company, yet Quagmire seems to casually acknowledge the fact with no rancor.

One of his few sexual turnoffs appears to be homosexual sex; however in The Perfect Castaway he was willing to attempt a homosexual orgy with Peter, Cleveland, and Joe after several months castaway on a desert island, though none of the men were able to achieve an erection. He states that his opinions of homosexual sex is "two halves can't make a whole without a hole". Other turnoffs include "dead kittens", "really old nuns" and Ren�©e Zellweger. The first of those may have simply been a way to discourage himself from being sexually aroused, based on a popular quote.

He seems to have little interest in long-term relationships with women. When one of his partners casually asked what he did for a living after waking up in bed beside him, Quagmire cheerfully responded with "Hey, I've got a question for you too: why are you still here?" On a Family Guy DVD featurette, creator Seth MacFarlane says that he believes this to be Quagmire's "defining moment". However, in "I Take Thee Quagmire", he actually falls in love and marries a woman named Joan, Peter's temporary maid. But after seeing Lois' top almost fall off, he realizes he made a mistake. He then tries to get a divorce, which ultimately leads to Joan being killed by Death.

On one occasion Quagmire has shown sympathetic tendencies towards another person. In Barely Legal where Meg had an unhealthy preoccupation with Brian, Quagmire said that he knew exactly what she needed and to bring her by his house later that night. While Quagmire initially stripped down to leopard print underwear, he then proceeded to tell Meg that she didn't need to grow up so fast. Quagmire also gave her a Shel Silverstein book (The Missing Piece) and sent her home untouched.

Distinctii primite

Giggity giggity

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