Diferente pentru problema/omidamincinoasa intre reviziile #1 si #2

Nu exista diferente intre titluri.

Diferente intre continut:

table(restrictii). |_. # |_. Punctaj |_. Restricţii |
| $1: %{color:#011638; font-weight:bold} D: O fi la Bucuresti, dar aici e la mine; Zi-le sa opreasca la control--- Buna ziua, Dorel Mateescu, Doiaru, seful garii, ce transportati in vagonul de marfa? V: Pai, aa, e un transport militar american, pentru frontul din Kosovo; E vagon NATO, si continutul e, este strict secret%$ | $3$ | $k = 0$ |
| $2: %{color:#50985F; font-weight:bold} D: Aha, sa-mi prezentati si mie actele la control. V: Pai nu intelegeti, este transport militar, si avem aprobare de sus, de la guvern. %$ | $3$ | $k = 1$ |
| $2: %{color:#50985F; font-weight:bold} D: Aha, sa-mi prezentati si mie actele la control. V: Pai nu intelegeti, este transport militar si avem aprobare de sus, de la guvern. %$ | $3$ | $k = 1$ |
| $3: %{color:#246C46; font-weight:bold} D: Mata nu intelegi. Eu am un regulament. Fara acte in regula nu pot sa te las sa treci.%$ | $4$ | $k = 2$ |
| $4: %{color:#D4ADCF; font-weight:bold} M: Is there a problem here (Intreaba daca e vreo problema) D: I need to see custom and transportation papers. M: This is a NATO military transport, sir, this has been organized and authorised by your government. Any documentation should be in your possesion, sir.%$ | $10$ | $n ≤ 2·10^5^$ |
| $5: %{color:#C23B22; font-weight:bold} D: You have international transport from America? M: That is correct sir. D: And where are you, now? M: I'm in Romania I guess. D: So, according to the romanian transportation laws you need to have custom papers.%$ | $22$ |  $k ≤ 50$  |
| $5: %{color:#C23B22; font-weight:bold} D: You have international transport from America? M: That is correct sir. D: And where are you, now? M: I'm in Romania, I guess. D: So, according to the romanian transportation laws you need to have custom papers.%$ | $22$ |  $k ≤ 50$  |
| $6: %{color:#998E4A; font-weight:bold}D: This is legislation. I don't make legislation. I respect legislation. You come to Romania, you have to respect legislation too. M: So, if you respect legislation, sir, you are hereby advised to comply; have I made myself clear? Have I made myself understood?%$  | $23$ | $k ≤ 500$ |
| $7: %{color:#8cbebe; font-weight:bold} D:  USA.  NATO.  Bill Clinton, si p-aia de la Bucuresti. Asta-i gara _mea_. C H E C K P O I N T. You need to have custom papers. N-aveti, nu treceti. Ia baga-i pe linia a doua ca m-am enervat.%$  | $35$ | $k ≤ 5·10^3^$ |

Nu exista diferente intre securitate.

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