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Fişierul intrare/ieş, northrend.outSursăInfoarena Monthly 2014, Runda 8
AutorTeodor PlopAdăugată demaritimCristian Lambru maritim
Timp execuţie pe test0.175 secLimită de memorie36864 kbytes
Scorul tăuN/ADificultateN/A

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Hero's Call: Northrend!

"By order of his royal highness, King Varian Wrynn, all able-bodied citizens of the Alliance are to report to Recruitment Officer Blythe at Valiance Keep in Borean Tundra.

The Valiance Expedition needs your help to keep the forces of the Scourge under control and safeguard civilized lands! Make your way to the Stormwind Docks and take the ship north to Valiance Keep.

For the glory and honor of the Alliance!"

Este timpul pentru unul dintre ultimii eroi din Azeroth(world) să răspundă chemării regelui Varian Wrynn, în lupta împotriva armatei condusă de către Lich King.

You will receive: 100 points (if completed within 2.5 hours)

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