Diferente pentru problema/harbingers intre reviziile #2 si #1

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Diferente intre continut:

== include(page="template/taskheader" task_id="harbingers") ==
Cu mult timp in urma, pe teritoriul Moldovei existau $N$ orase medievale, numerotate in mod unic cu numere intregi intre $1$ si $N$. Orasul numerotat cu $1$ era fortareata unde locuia regele si era considerata ca fiind capitala tinutului. Intre aceste orase existau $N-1$ strazi bidirectionale, fiecare strazi avand o lungime cunoscuta, exprimata in kilometri. Deoarece locuitorii tinutului erau oameni inteligenti, aceste drumuri erau construite astfel incat alegand oricare doua orase, exista un drum de a ajunge de la primul la al doilea urmand numai strazile existente.
Cand un oras era in pericol de a fi atacat, situatia trebuie de urgenta raportata la capitala.
The message from a town should have been transmitted to the capital on the shortest path. Firstly, the harbinger from the considered town took the message. If the harbinger carrying the message was in a town other than the destination, he had two options: either choose to go to the next town on the way to the capital, or leave the message to a harbinger from that town. The harbinger who received the message became responsible for sending it and he considered the same procedure as above. Thus, the message could have been carried by several harbingers until it arrived at the destination.
Because potential dangers should have been immediately reported, the king wanted to know what is the minimum time, in minutes, for each town, to send a message to the capital.
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