Diferente pentru problema/bitwiseparty intre reviziile #3 si #2

Nu exista diferente intre titluri.

Diferente intre continut:

h2. Date de intrare
The input file $bitwiseparty.in$ contains $n$, the number of integers from the array and $q$, the number of queries.
The input file $bitwiseparty.in$ contains $n$, the number of integers from the array and $q$, the number of queries ($1 \le n, q \le 2 * 10^5$).
The next line contains $n$ integers, representing the numbers from Stefan's array.
The next line contains $n$ integers, representing the numbers from Stefan's array ($1 \le v_i < 2^{20}$).
The next $q$ lines contain the queries. Each query is represented by two integers, $pos$ and $val$, representing that on the position $pos$, we will change its value to $val$.
The next $q$ lines contain the queries. Each query is represented by two integers, $pos$ and $val$, representing that on the position $pos$, we will change its value to $val$ ($1 \le pos \le n$), ($1 \le val < 2^{20}$).
h2. Date de ieşire
h2. Restricţii
* $1 &le; n, q &le; 2 * 10^5$
* $1 &le; v[i], val < 2^20$
* $... &le; ... &le; ...$
* For tests worth $10$ points, $1 &le; v[i], val &le; 2$.
* For tests worth $20$ more points, $1 &le; n, q, val, v_i < 2^7$.
* For tests worth $20$ more points, $1 &le; n, q, val, v_i < 2^10$.
* For tests worth $20$ more points, $1 &le; n, q, val, v_i < 2^{10}$.
h2. Exemplu

Nu exista diferente intre securitate.

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