Diferente pentru planificare/camp-2.3.1 intre reviziile #36 si #37

Nu exista diferente intre titluri.

Diferente intre continut:

|"Make it possible to remove all algorithm tags from tasks":http://hackers.devnet.ro/ticket/396 | ==user(user="gcosmin" type="tiny")== | 'Done':http://reviewboard.infoarena.ro/r/133/ |
|"Allow helpers to rejudge their own tasks.":http://hackers.devnet.ro/ticket/397 | ==user(user="gcosmin" type="tiny")== | 'Done':http://reviewboard.infoarena.ro/r/135/ |
|"Edit forum user":http://hackers.devnet.ro/ticket/393 | 0 | 0 |
|"Proper security UI":http://hackers.devnet.ro/ticket/129 | ==user(user="wefgef" type="tiny")== | 'La review':http://reviewboard.infoarena.ro/r/142/ |
|"Proper security UI":http://hackers.devnet.ro/ticket/129 | ==user(user="wefgef" type="tiny")== | 'Done':http://reviewboard.infoarena.ro/r/142/ |

Nu exista diferente intre securitate.

Topicul de forum nu a fost schimbat.