Diferente pentru olimpici intre reviziile #169 si #180

Nu exista diferente intre titluri.

Diferente intre continut:

| 'Daniel Dumitran':utilizator/daniel.dumitran  | Romania | ICHB (Bucuresti) |  !olimpici?medal_gold.gif! 2002; !olimpici?medal_gold.gif! 2000  | MIT | -- | Knight Capital,formerly imo.im, Moka5^**^ (Silicon Valley), internship Google |
| 'Adrian Soviani':http://www.cs.princeton.edu/~asoviani/  | Romania | Tudor Vianu (Bucuresti) |  !olimpici?medal_gold.gif! 1994; !olimpici?medal_gold.gif! 1993  | MIT | Princeton (parallel computing) | formerly Akamai |
| 'Bogdan-Cristian Tătăroiu':utilizator/bogdan2412  | Romania | ICHB (Bucuresti) |  !olimpici?medal_gold.gif! 2009; !olimpici?medal_silver.gif! 2007; !olimpici?medal_silver.gif! 2010; !olimpici?medal_bronze.gif! 2008  | University of Cambridge |  -- | internship Twitter, Facebook, balaur.ro, angajat jane street capital |
| 'Stefan Constantin - Buliga':utilizator/fanache99  | Romania | CNI "Tudor Vianu" | !olimpici?medal_gold.gif! 2017; !olimpici?medal_silver.gif! 2018 | Oxford |  -- | -- |
| 'Adrian Budău':utilizator/freak93  | Romania | ICHB(Bucuresti) |  !olimpici?medal_gold.gif! 2012; !olimpici?medal_silver.gif! 2011  | Univ. Bucuresti |  -- | internship Jane Street, internship Dropbox |
| 'Mircea Pasoi':utilizator/domino  | Romania | IL Caragiale (Ploiesti) |  !olimpici?medal_gold.gif! 2006; !olimpici?medal_silver.gif! 2005  | Univ. Bucuresti |  -- | internship Microsoft internship Google, angajat UberVU, 2 startup-uri: 'balaur.ro':http://balaur.ro, 'Summify':http://summify.com (vandut la Twitter) |
| Victor Costan  | Romania | Vianu (Bucuresti) |  !olimpici?medal_gold.gif! 2003; !olimpici?medal_silver.gif! 2002  | MIT | MIT | formerly Google, internship Apple, internship Google |
| 'Mihai Badoiu':http://people.csail.mit.edu/mihai/ | Romania | Tudor Vianu (Bucuresti) |  !olimpici?medal_gold.gif! 1995; !olimpici?medal_silver.gif! 1996  | MIT | MIT (theory) | hedge fund, formerly Google (NY) |
| 'Radu Lupsa':http://cs.ubbcluj.ro/~rlupsa/  | Romania | Avram Iancu (Cluj) |  !olimpici?medal_gold.gif! 1993; !olimpici?medal_silver.gif! 1995  | ENS Paris | Babes-Bolyai, Cluj (image proc.) | NeverFail, Cluj , prof @ Babes Bolyai |
| Mihai Stroe  | Romania | ? (Bucuresti) |  !olimpici?medal_gold.gif! 1998; !olimpici?medal_bronze.gif! 1997  | Poli. Bucuresti | -- | Google (Zurich) |
| 'Alexandru Luchianov':utilizator/alexandruluchianov1  | Romania | ICHB (Bucuresti) | !olimpici?medal_gold.gif! 2020 | -- |  -- | -- |
| 'Tamio Vesa Nakajima':utilizator/tamionv  | Romania | Liceul Vocational Pedagogic Nicoale Bolcas | !olimpici?medal_gold.gif! 2017 | University College, Oxford |  -- | -- |
| Codrut Grosu  | Romania | Vianu (Bucuresti) | !olimpici?medal_gold.gif! 2006  |  Poli. Bucuresti |  -- |  -- |
| 'Silviu Ganceanu':utilizator/silviug  | Romania | CN Gheorghe Rosca Codreanu (Barlad) + ICHB (Bucuresti) |  !olimpici?medal_gold.gif! 2004  |  Poli. Bucuresti |  -- |  2 internshipuri Google, Google Zurich |
| Vlad Dascalu  | Romania | ? (Bacau) |  !olimpici?medal_gold.gif! 2001  | Poli. Bucuresti | -- |  formerly Google (Zurich) |
| 'Alexandru Velea':utilizator/veleandu  | Romania | Tiberiu Popoviciu (Cluj) |  !olimpici?medal_silver.gif! 2015; !olimpici?medal_silver.gif! 2014;  |  Univ. Bucuresti |  -- |  CSAcademy |
| 'Andrei Heidelbacher':utilizator/a_h1926  | Romania |  C.D. Loga (Timisoara) | !olimpici?medal_silver.gif! 2014; !olimpici?medal_silver.gif! 2013 | Poli. Timisoara, Univ. Bucuresti | -- | -- |
| Matei Zaharia  | Canada |  ? | !olimpici?medal_silver.gif! 2003; !olimpici?medal_silver.gif! 2002  | Waterloo, Canada | Berkeley | internship Google, internship Facebook |
| 'Costin-Andrei Oncescu':utilizator/geniucos | Romania | Dinicu Golescu (Campulung) |  !olimpici?medal_silver.gif! 2016;  !olimpici?medal_bronze.gif! 2017 !olimpici?medal_bronze.gif! 2018  | Oxford |  -- |  -- |
| 'Andrei-Costin Constantinescu':utilizator/Andrei1998 | Romania | ICHB (Bucuresti) |  !olimpici?medal_silver.gif! 2016; !olimpici?medal_bronze.gif! 2017  | -- |  -- |  -- |
| 'Andrei Popa':utilizator/andreiiii  | Romania | Mihail Kogalniceanu (Vaslui) | !olimpici?medal_silver.gif! 2016; !olimpici?medal_bronze.gif! 2015  |  -- |  -- | -- |
| Adrian Vladu  | Romania | Tudor Vianu (Bucuresti) |  !olimpici?medal_silver.gif! 2004; !olimpici?medal_bronze.gif! 2006  | Brown | MIT(Theory) | internship Google |
| 'Radu Stefan':http://ce.et.tudelft.nl/~radu124/  | Romania | Andrei Saguna (Brasov) |  !olimpici?medal_silver.gif! 2000; !olimpici?medal_bronze.gif! 1999  | Brasov | Delft, Holland (parallel computing) | Google Zurich |
| Virgil Palanciuc  | Romania | Horia, Closca si Crisan (Alba Iulia) |  !olimpici?medal_silver.gif! 1995; !olimpici?medal_bronze.gif! 1994  | Poli. Bucuresti | -- | Adobe, Romania |
| 'Emil Praun':http://www.cs.utah.edu/~emilp/  | Romania | Tudor Vianu (Bucuresti) | !olimpici?medal_silver.gif! 1993; !olimpici?medal_bronze.gif! 1992  | Caltech | Princeton (graphics) | Google (formerly prof @ Utah) |
| 'Costin-Andrei Oncescu':utilizator/geniucos | Romania | Campulung |  !olimpici?medal_silver.gif! 2016  | -- |  -- |  -- |
| 'Andrei-Costin Constantinescu':utilizator/Andrei1998 | Romania | ICHB (Bucuresti) |  !olimpici?medal_silver.gif! 2016  | -- |  -- |  -- |
| 'Valentin Hărşan':utilizator/valentin.harsan | Romania | ICHB (Bucuresti) |  !olimpici?medal_silver.gif! 2015  | Univ. Bucuresti |  -- |  -- |
| 'Maria-Alexa Tudose':utilizator/alexa2001 | Romania | IL Caragiale (Ploiesti) |  !olimpici?medal_silver.gif! 2020  | Oxford |  -- |  -- |
| 'Alexandra-Maria Udristoiu':utilizator/alexandra_udristoiu | Romania | CN Fratii Buzesti (Craiova) |  !olimpici?medal_silver.gif! 2020  | Univ. Bucuresti |  -- |  -- |
| 'Theodor Moroianu':utilizator/theodor.moroianu | Romania | ICHB (Bucuresti) |  !olimpici?medal_silver.gif! 2019  | Univ. Bucuresti |  -- |  -- |
| 'Bogdan Sitaru':utilizator/bogdan10bos | Romania | Dinicu Golescu (Campulung) |  !olimpici?medal_silver.gif! 2019  | Oxford |  -- |  -- |
| 'Alex Tatomir':utilizator/atatomir | Romania | Nicolae Balcescu (Braila) |  !olimpici?medal_silver.gif! 2018  | Oxford |  -- |  -- |
| 'Tiberiu Muşat':utilizator/Tiberiu02 | Romania | Tudor Vianu (Bucuresti) |  !olimpici?medal_silver.gif! 2018  | -- |  -- |  -- |
| 'Valentin Hărşan':utilizator/valentin.harsan | Romania | ICHB (Bucuresti) |  !olimpici?medal_silver.gif! 2015  | Univ. Bucuresti |  -- |  Facebook |
| 'Andrei Purice':utilizator/Protoman  | Romania | IL Caragiale (Ploiesti) |  !olimpici?medal_silver.gif! 2011  |  University of Cambridge |  -- |  -- |
| 'Marius Dragus':utilizator/mariusdrg  | Romania | ICHB (Bucuresti) |  !olimpici?medal_silver.gif! 2009  |  Poli. Bucuresti |  -- |  internship Facebook, Coursera, Google Zurich |
| 'Paul-Dan Baltescu':utilizator/pauldb  | Romania | ICHB (Bucuresti) |  !olimpici?medal_silver.gif! 2008  |  Univ. Bucuresti, University of Oxford |  -- |  2 internshipuri Google, internship Facebook, internship Twitter, angajat Pinterest |
| Constantin Jucovschi  | Moldova | MoldoTurc (Chisinau) | !olimpici?medal_bronze.gif! 2004; !olimpici?medal_bronze.gif! 2003; !olimpici?medal_bronze.gif! 2002; !olimpici?medal_bronze.gif! 2001  | Bremen | -- |  2 internships Google |
| Dumitru Codreanu  | Moldova | MoldoTurc (Chisinau) | !olimpici?medal_bronze.gif! 2002; !olimpici?medal_bronze.gif! 2001; !olimpici?medal_bronze.gif! 2000  | Univ. Bucuresti | -- | Ubisoft, Google Zurich |
| Dumitru Ciubatii  | Moldova | MoldoTurc (Chisinau) | !olimpici?medal_bronze.gif! 2004; !olimpici?medal_bronze.gif! 2002  | Univ. Bucuresti | -- | internship Google |
| Radu-Alexandru Muntean  | Romania | Tudor Vianu (Bucuresti) | !olimpici?medal_bronze.gif! 2016 |  -- |  -- | -- |
| 'George-Alexandru Rapeanu':utilizator/georgerapeanu  | Romania | "Emil Racovita" Cluj Napoca | !olimpici?medal_bronze.gif! 2020 |  -- |  -- | -- |
| 'Laura-Ioana Georgescu':utilizator/laurageorgescu  | Romania | ICHB (Bucuresti) | !olimpici?medal_bronze.gif! 2019 |  Oxford |  -- | -- |
| 'Alexandru Petrescu':utilizator/alexpetrescu  | Romania | Tudor Vianu (Bucuresti) | !olimpici?medal_bronze.gif! 2019 |  Oxford |  -- | -- |
| 'Radu-Alexandru Muntean':/utilizator/heracle  | Romania | Tudor Vianu (Bucuresti) | !olimpici?medal_bronze.gif! 2016 |  Univ. Bucuresti |  -- | -- |
| 'Mihai-Dan Gheorghe':utilizator/GheorgheMihai  | Romania | ICHB (Bucuresti) | !olimpici?medal_bronze.gif! 2014  |  Univ. Bucuresti |  -- | -- |
| 'Mihai Popa':utilizator/mihaipopa12  | Romania | Fraţii Buzeşti (Craiova) | !olimpici?medal_bronze.gif! 2013  |  Imperial College London |  -- |  -- |
| 'Radu-Stefan Voroneanu':utilizator/radu_voroneanu  | Romania | IL Caragiale (Ploiesti) | !olimpici?medal_bronze.gif! 2012  |  Univerisity of Cambridge |  -- |  internship Google |

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