Cod sursa(job #3187017)

Utilizator drknss_Hehe hehe drknss_ Data 26 decembrie 2023 22:53:30
Problema Aho-Corasick Scor 0
Compilator cpp-64 Status done
Runda Arhiva educationala Marime 4.95 kb
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <queue>
using namespace std;

struct trie_node{ // structure of trie node
    map<char, trie_node*> child;
    trie_node* suffix_link;
    trie_node* output_link;
    int pattern_ind;

typedef struct trie_node node;

node* add_node(){ // to add new trie node
    node* temp = new node; // allocating memory for new trie node

    // assigning default values
    temp ->suffix_link = nullptr;
    temp ->output_link = nullptr;
    temp ->pattern_ind = -1;

    return temp;

void build_Trie(node* root, vector<string> &patterns){
    for(int i = 0; i < patterns.size() ;i++){ // iterating over patterns
        node* cur = root;
        for(auto c : patterns[i]){ // iterating over characters in pattern[i]
            if(cur ->child.count(c)) // if node corresponding to current character is already present, follow it
                cur = cur ->child[c];
                node* new_child = add_node(); // if node is not present, add new node to trie
                cur ->child.insert({c, new_child});
                cur = new_child;
        cur ->pattern_ind = i; // marking node as i-th pattern ends here

void build_suffix_and_output_links(node* root){
    root ->suffix_link = root; // pointing suffix link of root back to itself

    queue<node*> qu; // taking queue for breadth first search

    for(auto &it : root ->child){
        qu.push(it.second); // pushing nodes directly attached to root
        it.second ->suffix_link = root; // setting suffix link of these nodes back to the root

        node* cur_state = qu.front();

        for(auto &it : cur_state ->child){ // iterating over all child of current node
            char c = it.first;
            node* temp = cur_state ->suffix_link;

            while(temp ->child.count(c) == 0 && temp != root) // finding longest proper suffix
                temp = temp ->suffix_link;

            if(temp ->child.count(c))
                it.second ->suffix_link = temp ->child[c]; // if proper suffix is found
            else it.second ->suffix_link = root; // if proper suffix not found


        // setting up output link
        if(cur_state ->suffix_link ->pattern_ind >= 0)
            cur_state ->output_link = cur_state ->suffix_link; 
        else cur_state ->output_link = cur_state ->suffix_link ->output_link;

void search_pattern(node* root, string &text, auto &indices){
    node* parent = root;

    for(int i = 0; i < text.length() ;i++){
        char c = text[i];
        if(parent ->child.count(c)){ // if link to character exists follow it
            parent = parent ->child[c];

            if(parent ->pattern_ind >= 0)
                indices[parent ->pattern_ind].push_back(i); // if this node is marked then a pattern ends here

            node* temp = parent ->output_link;
            while(temp != nullptr){ 
                indices[temp ->pattern_ind].push_back(i); // follow all output links to get patterns ending at this position
                temp = temp ->output_link;
            while(parent != root && parent ->child.count(c) == 0) // follow suffix links till matching suffix or root is found
                parent = parent ->suffix_link;

            if(parent ->child.count(c))

/*void BFS(node* root){ // utility function to print the automata
    queue<pair<char, node*>> qu;
    cout <<"\n" <<root <<"\n" <<root ->suffix_link <<"\n" <<root ->output_link <<"\n" <<root ->pattern_ind <<"\n\n";

    for(auto &it : root ->child)

        auto temp = qu.front();

        cout <<temp.second <<"\n" <<temp.first <<"\n" <<temp.second ->suffix_link <<"\n" <<temp.second ->output_link <<"\n" <<temp.second ->pattern_ind <<"\n\n";

        for(auto &it : temp.second ->child)

int main(){

    string text; // given string in which pattern is to be searched
    cin >>text;

    int k; //Number of patterns
    cin >> k;
    vector<string> patterns(k); // vector or array of patterns

    for(int i = 0; i < k ;i++)
        cin >>patterns[i];

    node* root = add_node(); // allocating memory for root node

    build_Trie(root, patterns); // building trie out of patterns

    build_suffix_and_output_links(root); // creating appropriate suffix and output links

    vector<vector<int>> indices(k, vector<int>());
    search_pattern(root, text, indices);

    // BFS(root); to check the structure of created automata

    for(int i = 0; i < k ;i++){
        //cout <<"Total occurrences of \"" <<patterns[i] <<"\": " <<indices[i].size();
        cout << indices[i].size() << '\n';

        // if(indices[i].size())cout <<"\nOccurrences: ";

        // for(auto &j : indices[i])
        //     cout <<j - patterns[i].length() + 1 <<" ";
        // cout <<"\n\n";

    return 0;