Cod sursa(job #2202566)

Utilizator hasmasandragosHasmasan Dragos hasmasandragos Data 9 mai 2018 09:45:58
Problema Flux maxim Scor 0
Compilator cpp Status done
Runda Arhiva educationala Marime 2.95 kb
#include <bits/stdc++.h>

std::ifstream f("");
std::ofstream g("maxflow.out");

const int NMAX = 1005;
const int INF = INT_MAX;
std::vector <int> graph[NMAX]; /// graph[i] = the list of adjacent nodes to i
std::queue <int> nodeQueue; /// queue used for BFS
int flowCapacity[NMAX][NMAX]; /// flowCapacity[i][j] = the flow capacity from node i to node j
std::bitset <NMAX> visited; /// used for BFS tree optimization
int parent[NMAX]; /// used for BFS tree optimization
int numberOfNodes, numberOfEdges;

int BFS(int sourceNode, int destinationNode){ /// returns 1 if any path from source to destination was found, 0 otherwise
    int currentNode;

    visited.reset(); /// clears the visited bitset for each new BFS

    visited[sourceNode] = 1;

    while (!nodeQueue.empty()){
        currentNode = nodeQueue.front();

        if (currentNode == destinationNode)

        for (const auto& nextNode : graph[currentNode]){
            if (!visited[nextNode] && flowCapacity[currentNode][nextNode] > 0){
                visited[nextNode] = 1;
                parent[nextNode] = currentNode;


    return visited[destinationNode];

int MaxFlow(int sourceNode, int destinationNode){

    int maxFlow = 0, minimumCapacity;

    while (BFS(sourceNode, destinationNode)){
        for (const auto& currentNode: graph[destinationNode]){ /// iterate through all nodes adjacent to the destination
            if (!visited[currentNode] || flowCapacity[currentNode][destinationNode] <= 0) /// if the current node is not connected (or can't push flow into the destination) we skip it

            parent[destinationNode] = currentNode;
            minimumCapacity = INF;

            for (int node = destinationNode; node != sourceNode; node = parent[node]){ /// find the edge with the minimum capacity in a path from source to destination
                minimumCapacity = std::min(minimumCapacity, flowCapacity[parent[node]][node]);

            for (int node = destinationNode; node != sourceNode; node = parent[node]){ /// update the edges in the residual graph
                flowCapacity[node][parent[node]] += minimumCapacity;
                flowCapacity[parent[node]][node] -= minimumCapacity;

            maxFlow += minimumCapacity;

    return maxFlow;


int main()
    int nodeX, nodeY, currentFlow;


    for (int i=1; i<=numberOfEdges; i++){

    g<<MaxFlow(1, numberOfNodes); /// by default 1 is the source node and n is the destination node

    return 0;