Cod sursa(job #1760474)

Utilizator CataFetoiuFetoiu Catalin CataFetoiu Data 20 septembrie 2016 20:49:13
Problema Revolta Scor 0
Compilator cpp Status done
Runda Arhiva ICPC Marime 3.22 kb

using namespace std;

typedef pair<int, int> ii;

#define MAX 100010
#define INF 2000000000
#define TRvi(c, it) \
	for(vector<int>::iterator it = c.begin(); it != c.end(); it++)

int V, treeRoot;
vector<vector<int> > tree;
vector<map<ii, int> > dp;
vector<map<ii, int> > height;
vector<ii> EdgeList;

map<ii, int>::iterator access(ii state, string what)
	int node = state.first;
	int parent = state.second;
	if(what == "dp")
		return dp[node+parent].find(state);
	if(what == "height")
		return height[node+parent].find(state);

int diameter(int node, int parent)
	map<ii, int>::iterator it = access(ii(node, parent), "dp");
	if(it->second != -1)
		return it->second;

	int res = -INF;
	int maxHeight = 0;
	TRvi(tree[node], v)
		int child = *v;
		if(child != parent)
			res = max(res, diameter(child, node));

	map<ii, int>::iterator hit;
	if(res == -INF) /* node is leaf */
		hit = access(ii(node, parent), "height");
		hit->second = 1;
		return 0;

	int max1 = -1;
	int max2 = -1;
	TRvi(tree[node], v)
		int child = *v;
		if(child != parent)
			hit = access(ii(child, node), "height");
			maxHeight = max(maxHeight, hit->second);
			int num = hit->second;
			if(num > max1)
				max2 = max1;
				max1 = num;
			else if(num > max2)
				max2 = num;

	if(max1 != -1 && max2 != -1)
		res = max(res, (max1 + max2));
	else if(max1 != -1)
		res = max1;
		res = max2;
	hit = access(ii(node, parent), "height");
	hit->second = 1 + maxHeight;

	return it->second = res;

void dfs(int node, int parent)
	TRvi(tree[node], v)
		int child = *v;
		if(child != parent)
			dfs(child, node);

int minimizeDiameter()
	int res = INF;
	for(int i = 0; i < EdgeList.size(); i++)
		int d1, d2;
		ii front = EdgeList[i];
		int u = front.first;
		int v = front.second;
		d1 = diameter(u, v);
		d2 = diameter(v, u);
		int removeEdge = -1;
		removeEdge = max(max(d1, d2), (d1+1)/2 + (d2+1)/2 + 1);
		res = min(res, removeEdge);

	res = min(res, diameter(treeRoot, V));
	return res;
int main()
	FILE* fin = freopen("", "r", stdin);
	FILE* fout = freopen("revolta.out", "w", stdout);	

	int start, end;
	int T; cin >> T;
	while(T--) {
	cin >> V;

	dp.resize(3 * MAX);
	height.resize(3 * MAX);

	for(int i = 0; i < (V-1); i++)
		cin >> start >> end;
		EdgeList.push_back(ii(start, end));
		dp[start+end][ii(start, end)] = -1; /* kind of hashing with maps */
		dp[start+end][ii(end, start)] = -1;
		height[start+end][ii(start, end)] = -1;
		height[start+end][ii(end, start)] = -1;
	treeRoot = 0;
	dfs(treeRoot, -1);
	dp[treeRoot+V][ii(treeRoot, V)] = -1;
	height[treeRoot+V][ii(treeRoot, V)] = -1;

	cout << minimizeDiameter() << endl;

	int a, b;
		cin >> a >> b;
		cout << diameter(a, b) << endl;
		cout << height[a+b][ii(a, b)] << endl;
	} */

	return 0;	