Borderou de evaluare (job #17297)

Utilizator RutZapGruia Radu RutZap Data 15 februarie 2007 17:09:25
Problema Chiftea Status done
Runda Arhiva de probleme Compilator cpp | Vezi sursa
Scor 0

Raport evaluator

Eroare de compilare: user.cpp:4: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `freopen' with no type user.cpp:4: error: `int freopen' redeclared as different kind of symbol /usr/include/stdio.h:249: error: previous declaration of `FILE* freopen(const char*, const char*, FILE*)' user.cpp:4: error: initializer list being treated as compound expression user.cpp:4: error: invalid conversion from `_IO_FILE*' to `int' user.cpp:5: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `freopen' with no type user.cpp:5: error: redefinition of `int freopen' user.cpp:4: error: `int freopen' previously declared here user.cpp:5: error: initializer list being treated as compound expression user.cpp:5: error: invalid conversion from `_IO_FILE*' to `int' user.cpp: In function `int cautan(int)': user.cpp:18: warning: converting to `int' from `double' user.cpp: In function `int main()': user.cpp:25: warning: format argument is not a pointer (arg 2) user.cpp:28: warning: format argument is not a pointer (arg 2)

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