Cod sursa(job #1573079)

Utilizator space.foldingAdrian Soucup space.folding Data 19 ianuarie 2016 12:57:58
Problema Hashuri Scor 100
Compilator cpp Status done
Runda Arhiva educationala Marime 24.13 kb
#if defined(_WIN32)
// MSVC compiler family
#if _MSC_VER >= 1600
// <stdint.h> is only available in VS2010 and later
#define HAS_STDINT 1
#if _XBOX_VER >= 200
// Xbox 360
#define TARGET_XBOX_360 1
#define CPU_POWERPC 1
#define PTR_SIZE 4
#if defined(_M_X64)
// x64
#define CPU_X64 1
#define PTR_SIZE 8
#elif defined(_M_IX86)
// x86
#define CPU_X86 1
#define PTR_SIZE 4
#error Unrecognized platform!

#elif defined(__GNUC__)
// GCC compiler family
#define COMPILER_GCC 1
#define HAS_STDINT 1
#if defined(__llvm__)
#if __has_feature(c_atomic)
// No need to mark atomic##_t members as volatile
#define HAS_C11_MEMORY_MODEL 1
#if defined(__APPLE__)
// Apple MacOS/iOS
#define IS_APPLE 1
#if defined(__x86_64__)
// x64
#define CPU_X64 1
#define PTR_SIZE 8
#elif defined(__i386__)
// x86
#define CPU_X86 1
#define PTR_SIZE 4
#elif defined(__arm__)
// ARM
#define CPU_ARM 1
#if defined(__ARM_ARCH_7__) || defined(__ARM_ARCH_7A__) || defined(__ARM_ARCH_7EM__) || defined(__ARM_ARCH_7R__) || defined(__ARM_ARCH_7M__) || defined(__ARM_ARCH_7S__)
// ARMv7
#define PTR_SIZE 4
#elif defined(__ARM_ARCH_6__) || defined(__ARM_ARCH_6J__) || defined(__ARM_ARCH_6K__) || defined(__ARM_ARCH_6T2__) || defined(__ARM_ARCH_6Z__) || defined(__ARM_ARCH_6ZK__)
// ARMv6
#define PTR_SIZE 4
// Could support earlier ARM versions at some point using compiler barriers and swp instruction
#error Unrecognized ARM CPU architecture version!
#if defined(__thumb__)
// Thumb instruction set mode
#define CPU_ARM_THUMB 1

#error Unrecognized target CPU!

#error Unrecognized compiler!

#if defined COMPILER_MSVC
#include <Windows.h>

#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <cinttypes>
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
#include <cassert>
#include <mutex>
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>

extern int DebugLevel;
void slog(int level, char const *format, ...);

// Return a C++ string
std::string StringPrintf(const char* format, ...);

// Store result into a supplied string and return it
std::string& SStringPrintf(std::string & dst, const char* format, ...);

// Append result to a supplied string
void StringAppendF(std::string & dst, const char* format, ...);

// Lower-level routine that takes a va_list and appends to a specified
// string.  All other routines are just convenience wrappers around it.
void StringAppendV(std::string & dst, const char* format, va_list ap);

inline long int load(volatile long int *value) {
	return *value;

inline void store(volatile long int *value, long int desired) {
	*value = desired;

inline void store64(volatile long long int *value, long long int desired) {
#if defined COMPILER_MSVC
#if CPU_X64 || TARGET_XBOX_360
	*value = desired;
	// On 32-bit x86, the most compatible way to get an atomic 64-bit store is with cmpxchg8b.
	// Essentially, we perform mint_compare_exchange_strong_64_relaxed(object, object->_nonatomic, desired)
	// in a loop until it returns the original value.
	// According to the Linux kernel (atomic64_cx8_32.S), we don't need the "lock;" prefix
	// on cmpxchg8b since aligned 64-bit writes are already atomic on 586 and newer.
		mov esi, value;
		mov ebx, dword ptr desired;
		mov ecx, dword ptr desired[4];
		jne retry;
#elif defined COMPILER_GCC
#if CPU_X64
	*value = desired;
	auto expected = *value;
	asm volatile("1:    cmpxchg8b %0\n"
		"      jne 1b"
		: "=m"(*value)
		: "b"((unsigned long int) desired), "c"((unsigned long int) (desired >> 32)), "A"(expected));

inline long long int load64(volatile long long int *value) {
#if defined COMPILER_MSVC
#if CPU_X64 || TARGET_XBOX_360
	return *value;
	long long int result;
		mov esi, value;
		mov ebx, eax;
		mov ecx, edx;
		lock cmpxchg8b[esi];
		mov dword ptr result, eax;
		mov dword ptr result[4], edx;
	return result;
#elif defined COMPILER_GCC
#if CPU_X64
	return *value;
	long long int original;
	asm volatile("movl %%ebx, %%eax\n"
		"movl %%ecx, %%edx\n"
		"lock; cmpxchg8b %1"
		: "=&A"(original)
		: "m"(*value));
	return original;

inline long long int compareAndSwap64Old(volatile long long int *value, long long int expected, long long int desired) {
#if defined COMPILER_MSVC
	return _InterlockedCompareExchange64(value, desired, expected);
#elif defined COMPILER_GCC
#if CPU_X64
	long long int original;
	asm volatile("lock; cmpxchgq %2, %1"
		: "=a"(original), "+m"(*value)
		: "q"(desired), "0"(expected));
	return original;
	long long int original;
	asm volatile("lock; cmpxchg8b %1"
		: "=A"(original), "+m"(*value)
		: "b"((long int)desired), "c"((long int)(desired >> 32)), "0"(expected));
	return original;

inline long int compareAndSwapOld(volatile long int *value, long int expected, long int desired) {
#if defined COMPILER_MSVC
	return _InterlockedCompareExchange(value, desired, expected);
#elif defined COMPILER_GCC
#if CPU_X64
	long int original;
	asm volatile("lock; cmpxchgq %2, %1"
		: "=a"(original), "+m"(*value)
		: "q"(desired), "0"(expected));
	return original;
	long int original;
	asm volatile("lock; cmpxchgl %2, %1"
		: "=a"(original), "+m"(*value)
		: "q"(desired), "0"(expected));
	return original;

inline bool compareAndSwap(volatile long int *value, long int expected, long int desired) {
	return compareAndSwapOld(value, expected, desired) == expected;

inline bool compareAndSwap64(volatile long long int *value, long long int expected, long long int desired) {
	return compareAndSwap64Old(value, expected, desired) == expected;

inline long long int fetchAdd64(volatile long long int *value, long long int operand) {
#if defined COMPILER_MSVC
#if CPU_X64 || TARGET_XBOX_360
	return _InterlockedExchangeAdd64(value, operand);
	auto expected = *value;
	for (;;)
		auto original = _InterlockedCompareExchange64(value, expected + operand, expected);
		if (original == expected)
			return original;
		expected = original;
#elif defined COMPILER_GCC
#if CPU_X64
	long long int original;
	asm volatile("lock; xaddq %0, %1"
		: "=r"(original), "+m"(*value)
		: "0"(operand));
	return original;
	// This implementation generates an unnecessary cmp instruction after the cmpxchg8b.
	// Could be optimized further using inline assembly.
	for (;;)
		long long original = *value;
		if (compareAndSwap64(value, original, original + operand)) {
			return original;

inline long int fetchAdd(volatile long int *value, long int operand) {
#if defined COMPILER_MSVC
	return _InterlockedExchangeAdd(value, operand);
#elif defined COMPILER_GCC
	long int original;
#if CPU_X64
	asm volatile("lock; xaddq %0, %1"
		: "=r"(original), "+m"(*value)
		: "0"(operand));
	return original;
	asm volatile("lock; xaddl %0, %1"
		: "=r"(original), "+m"(*value)
		: "0"(operand));
	return original;

long long tps();
double milliseconds();
long int timeSinceEpoch();

struct Spinlock {
	volatile long int _value;

	Spinlock() {
		store(&_value, 0);

	bool trylock() {
		return compareAndSwap(&_value, 0, 1);

	void lock() {
		volatile auto valuePtr = &_value;
		while (true) {
			for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++) {
				if (!*valuePtr) {
					if (compareAndSwap(valuePtr, 0, 1)) {

	void unlock() {
		store(&_value, 0);

// An implementation of a nonblocking hashmap. It's MT safe on platforms with strong ordering (x86)
template <typename ValueType>
struct HT {
	struct E {
		unsigned long long int Key;
		long int Value;
		E() {
			Key = 0LL;
			Value = 0;

	std::vector <Spinlock> _locks;
	std::vector <ValueType> _values;
	std::vector <E> _table;

	long int _valueIndex;
	long int _size;
	long int _tableSize;

	unsigned int _mask;

	HT(unsigned int N) {
		//Indexing starts from 1 because 0 is a deleted sync
		_valueIndex = 1;
		unsigned int n = N;
		while (n & (n + 1)) {
			n |= (n + 1);
		// Make it bigger for sparser collisions
		// minimum 65k elements will need to 255k buckets
		// with 90% access of first time hash, 99% second next bucket...
		_table.resize(size_t(n) + 1);
		_tableSize = (long int)(n)+1;

		// The value found on position 0 is special and it means it doesn't exist.
		_size = N + 1;
		_values.resize(N + 1);
		_locks.resize(N + 1);
		_mask = n;

	long int size() {
		return load(_valueIndex - 1);

	ValueType* values() {
		return + 1;

	inline static unsigned long int hash(unsigned long long int h) {
		h ^= h >> 33;
		h *= 0xff51afd7ed558ccd;
		h ^= h >> 33;
		h *= 0xc4ceb9fe1a85ec53;
		h ^= h >> 33;
		return static_cast<unsigned long int>(h);

	ValueType *begin() {

	ValueType *end() {
		return + _values.size();

	ValueType *operator[](unsigned long long int key) {
		auto h = hash(key);
		for (long int steps = 0; steps < _size; steps++) {
			h = h & _mask;
			long long int kv = load64(reinterpret_cast<volatile long long int*>(&_table[h].Key));
			if (kv == 0LL) {
				return nullptr;
			else if (static_cast<unsigned long long int>(kv) == key) {
				long int vindex = load(&_table[h].Value);
				if (vindex > 0) {
					return &_values[static_cast<unsigned int>(vindex)];
				return nullptr;
		return nullptr;

	void lock(ValueType *valuePtr) {
		if (valuePtr > begin() && valuePtr < end()) {
			auto lockPosition = valuePtr - begin();

	void unlock(ValueType *valuePtr) {
		if (valuePtr > begin() && valuePtr < end()) {
			auto lockPosition = valuePtr - begin();

	bool contains(unsigned long long int key) {
		auto h = hash(key);
		for (long int steps = 0; steps < _size; steps++) {
			h = h & _mask;
			long long int kv = load64(reinterpret_cast<volatile long long int*>(&_table[h].Key));
			if (kv == 0LL) {
				return false;
			else if (static_cast<unsigned long long int>(kv) == key) {
				long int vindex = load(&_table[h].Value);
				if (vindex > 0) {
					return true;
		return false;

	bool insert(unsigned long long int key, ValueType const &value) {
		if (!key) {
			return false;
		auto h = hash(key);
		for (long int steps = 0; steps < _size; steps++) {
			h = h & _mask;

			// Make sure that we write the key into an empty slot atomically.
			auto kv = static_cast<unsigned long long int>(compareAndSwap64Old(
				reinterpret_cast<volatile long long int*>(&_table[h].Key), 0LL, static_cast<long long int>(key)));

			if (kv == 0LL) {
				// This code is guaranteed to be executed only once for each bucket.
				auto volatile prefetch = load(&_valueIndex);
				// Cannot insert, the table is full
				if (prefetch >= _size) {
					return false;
				auto volatile vindex =
					fetchAdd(reinterpret_cast<volatile long int*>(&_valueIndex), 1);
				store(reinterpret_cast<volatile long int*>(&_table[h].Value), vindex);
				_values[static_cast<unsigned int>(vindex)] = value;
				return true;
			else {
				// We must be very careful here because someone else might want to either:
				// 1. Insert and override the same key
				// 2. Delete the key.
				// If someone tries to insert here before vindex will be != 0 it's fine because we
				// simply don't write the value. If someone tries to delete while being here
				// we have to simply *undelete by setting the sign positive for vIndex.
				// race conditions may happen if we insert/delete on the same key (as we expect).
				auto vk = load(reinterpret_cast<volatile long int*>(&_table[h].Value));
				if (vk < 0) {
					auto vkz = compareAndSwapOld(reinterpret_cast<volatile long int*>(&_table[h].Value), vk, 0);
					if (vkz == vk) {
						store64(reinterpret_cast<volatile long long int*>(&_table[h].Key),
							static_cast<long long int>(key));
						store(reinterpret_cast<volatile long int*>(&_table[h].Value), -vk);
						_values[static_cast<unsigned int>(-vk)] = value;
						return true;
				else if (kv == key) {
					// Don't override the old value.
					return false;
		return false;

	void remove(unsigned long long int key) {
		auto h = hash(key);
		for (long int steps = 0; steps < _size; steps++) {
			h = h & _mask;
			// We didn't find the element.
			long long int kv = load64(reinterpret_cast<volatile long long int*>(&_table[h].Key));
			if (kv == 0) {
			// If the key matches we set the state to
			// deleted by making the index negative
			else if (static_cast<unsigned long long int>(kv) == key) {
				auto volatile vindex = load(&_table[h].Value);
				if (vindex > 0) {
					vindex = -vindex;
					store(reinterpret_cast<volatile long int*>(&_table[h].Value), vindex);

template <int Size>
class AdaptiveFilecache {
	std::vector<int8_t> _bytes;
	int _headOffset;
	int _binCount;

	std::vector<int> _chunkSizes;
	std::vector<double> _weights;
	std::vector<int> _chunkNumber;
	std::vector<int> _startingOffsets;
	std::vector<int> _currentOffsets;

	// The adaptive behaviour is tweaked using these variables.
	std::vector<double> _correctedWeigths;
	std::vector<double> _sizeWeigths;
	std::vector<double> _countWeigths;
	double _numberToSizeInterpolator;
	double _totalSize;
	double _totalNumber;

	struct Node {
		int* Next;
		int* Prev;
		int* LRUScore;
		Node() : Next(nullptr), Prev(nullptr), LRUScore(nullptr) { }

	std::vector<std::pair<int, Node>> _freeLists;
	std::vector<std::pair<int, Node>> _usedLists;
	int _LRUMax;

	int readNode(int memIndex, Node &node) {
		node.Next = reinterpret_cast<int *>(&_bytes[memIndex]);
		node.Prev = node.Next + 1;
		node.LRUScore = node.Next + 2;
		return memIndex + 3 * sizeof(int);

	int8_t* allocatei(int bin) {
		Node prev = _freeLists[bin].second, node, next;
		if (*prev.Next == -1) {
			return nullptr;
		int iaddr = *prev.Next;
		readNode(iaddr, node);

		if (*node.Next != -1) {
			readNode(*node.Next, next);
			*next.Prev = *node.Prev;

		*prev.Next = *node.Next;

		prev = _usedLists[bin].second;

		*node.Next = *prev.Next;
		*node.Prev = _usedLists[bin].first;
		*prev.Next = iaddr;

		if (*node.Next != -1) {
			readNode(*node.Next, next);
			*next.Prev = iaddr;
		return &_bytes[iaddr] + 3 * sizeof(int);

	void freei(int bin, int8_t *address) {
		int iaddr = address - - 3 * sizeof(int);
		Node current, prev, next;
		readNode(iaddr, current);
		if (*current.Next != -1) {
			readNode(*current.Next, next);
			*next.Prev = *current.Prev;

		if (*current.Prev != -1) {
			readNode(*current.Prev, prev);
			*prev.Next = *current.Next;

		Node head = _freeLists[bin].second;

		if (*head.Next != -1) {
			readNode(*head.Next, next);
			*next.Prev = iaddr;
		*current.Next = *head.Next;
		*current.Prev = _freeLists[bin].first;
		*head.Next = iaddr;

	void initNodes() {
		int k = 0;
		int nodeAddress = 0;
		while (k < _binCount) {
			Node head;
			auto prevAddress = nodeAddress;
			nodeAddress = readNode(nodeAddress, head);

			*head.Next = _startingOffsets[k];
			*head.Prev = -1;
			*head.LRUScore = 0;

			_freeLists[k].first = prevAddress;
			_freeLists[k].second = head;

			Node it = head, prev = it;
			auto counter = 0;
			while (true) {
				auto nextAddress = *it.Next;

				if (nextAddress >= _startingOffsets[k + 1]) {
					*it.Next = -1;

				readNode(nextAddress, it);
				*it.Prev = prevAddress;
				*it.Next = *prev.Next + _chunkSizes[k];

				prev = it;
				prevAddress = nextAddress;

			assert(counter == _chunkNumber[k]);

			prevAddress = nodeAddress;
			nodeAddress = readNode(nodeAddress, head);
			*head.Next = -1;
			*head.Prev = -1;
			*head.LRUScore = 0;
			_usedLists[k].first = prevAddress;
			_usedLists[k].second = head;

	bool verifyIntegrity() {
		for (int i = 0; i < _binCount; i++) {
			int nodeCount = 0;
			int prevNodeCount = 0;
			Node it = _freeLists[i].second;

			for (; *it.Next != -1; readNode(*it.Next, it)) {
				if (*it.Next < _startingOffsets[i] || *it.Next >= _startingOffsets[i + 1]) {
					return false;
				if ((*it.Next - _startingOffsets[i]) % _chunkSizes[i] != 0) {
					return false;

			for (; *it.Prev != -1; readNode(*it.Prev, it)) {
				if (*it.Prev != _freeLists[i].first) {
					if (*it.Prev < _startingOffsets[i] || *it.Prev >= _startingOffsets[i + 1]) {
						return false;
					if ((*it.Prev - _startingOffsets[i]) % _chunkSizes[i] != 0) {
						return false;
			if (prevNodeCount != nodeCount) {
				return false;

			it = _usedLists[i].second;
			for (; *it.Next != -1; readNode(*it.Next, it)) {
				if (*it.Next < _startingOffsets[i] || *it.Next >= _startingOffsets[i + 1]) {
					return false;
				if ((*it.Next - _startingOffsets[i]) % _chunkSizes[i] != 0) {
					return false;
			for (; *it.Prev != -1; readNode(*it.Prev, it)) {
				if (*it.Prev != _usedLists[i].first) {
					if (*it.Prev < _startingOffsets[i] || *it.Prev >= _startingOffsets[i + 1]) {
						return false;
					if ((*it.Prev - _startingOffsets[i]) % _chunkSizes[i] != 0) {
						return false;

			if (prevNodeCount != nodeCount) {
				return false;

			if (_chunkNumber[i] != nodeCount) {
				return false;
		return true;

	int8_t *allocate(int size) {
		int binLoc = binLocation(size);
		if (binLoc != -1)
			return allocatei(binLoc);
		return nullptr;

	void free(int8_t *ptr) {
		if (ptr < ||
			ptr >= + _bytes.size()) {
		int iaddr = ptr -;

		int binLoc = 0;
		while (binLoc < _binCount && _startingOffsets[binLoc] < iaddr) {
		if (iaddr < _startingOffsets[binLoc]) {
			freei(binLoc, ptr);

	AdaptiveFilecache(std::vector<std::pair<int, double>> const &chunkDescription) :
		_bytes(chunkDescription.size() * (sizeof(int) * 6) + Size)
		, _headOffset(0)
		, _binCount(chunkDescription.size())
		, _chunkSizes(chunkDescription.size())
		, _weights(chunkDescription.size())
		, _chunkNumber(chunkDescription.size())
		, _startingOffsets(chunkDescription.size() + 1)
		, _currentOffsets(chunkDescription.size() + 1, 0)
		, _correctedWeigths(chunkDescription.size())
		, _sizeWeigths(chunkDescription.size())
		, _countWeigths(chunkDescription.size())
		, _numberToSizeInterpolator(0.7)
		, _totalSize(0.0)
		, _totalNumber(0.0)
		, _freeLists(chunkDescription.size())
		, _usedLists(chunkDescription.size())
		, _LRUMax(32)
		for (int i = 0; i < _binCount; i++) {
			_chunkSizes[i] = chunkDescription[i].first;
			_weights[i] = chunkDescription[i].second;
		_numberToSizeInterpolator = 0.7;
		_headOffset = _bytes.size() - Size;

	bool insertChunk(int size) {
		auto binLoc = binLocation(size);
		if (binLoc != -1) {
			this->_countWeigths[binLoc] += 1.0;
			this->_sizeWeigths[binLoc] += size;
			_totalNumber += 1.0;
			_totalSize += size;
			// really insert here
			return true;
		return false;

	void reorganize() {
		int64_t sumAi = 0LL;
		double sumWeights = 0.0;
		double sumWeightsA = 0.0;

		for (int i = 0; i < _binCount; i++) {
			sumAi += _chunkSizes[i];
			sumWeights += _weights[i];
			sumWeightsA += _weights[i] * _chunkSizes[i];
		assert(Size > sumAi);

		for (int i = 0; i < _binCount; i++) {
			_chunkNumber[i] =
				static_cast<int>(ceil(_weights[i] / (sumWeights * _chunkSizes[i]) * (Size - sumAi)));
		_startingOffsets[0] = _headOffset;
		_currentOffsets[0] = _headOffset;
		for (int i = 1; i <= _binCount; i++) {
			_currentOffsets[i] = _startingOffsets[i] =
				_startingOffsets[i - 1] + _chunkNumber[i - 1] * _chunkSizes[i - 1];

	void correctWeights() {
		for (int i = 0; i < _binCount; i++) {
			_correctedWeigths[i] =
				_countWeigths[i] / _totalNumber * _numberToSizeInterpolator +
				_sizeWeigths[i] / _totalSize * (1.0 - _numberToSizeInterpolator);
			_countWeigths[i] = 0.0;
			_sizeWeigths[i] = 0.0;
		_totalSize = 0;
		_totalNumber = 0;
		swap(_correctedWeigths, _weights);

	inline int binLocation(int size) {
		size += 3 * sizeof(int);
		if (size < 0) {
			return -1;

		int binLoc = 0;

		while (binLoc < _binCount && _chunkSizes[binLoc] < size) {

		if (binLoc != _binCount) {
			return binLoc;
		return -1;

	void print() {
		using std::cout;
		using std::endl;
		using std::ios;
		using std::mutex;
		using std::lock_guard;

		if (DebugLevel > 70) {
			static mutex mtx;
			lock_guard<mutex> lock(mtx);
			cout << "Weights:\n";
			for (int i = 0; i < _binCount; i++) {
				cout << _weights[i] << endl;

			cout << "Chunks:\n";
			for (int i = 0; i < _binCount; i++) {
				cout << _chunkSizes[i] / 1024.0 << "kb x "
					<< _chunkNumber[i] << " -> " << (_startingOffsets[i + 1] - _startingOffsets[i]) / 1024.0 / 1024.0 << "mb" <<
					" offset: " << _startingOffsets[i] / 1024.0 / 1024.0 << "mb" << endl;
			cout << _startingOffsets[_binCount] / 1024.0 / 1024.0 << "mb\n";
			cout << "====================================\n";
	std::vector<int8_t> &getBytes() {
		return _bytes;

	bool contains(int8_t *ptr) {
		if (ptr < ||
			ptr >= + _bytes.size()) {
			return false;
		return true;

template <int N>
class ThreadedAdaptiveFilecache {
	int _threads;
	std::vector<std::unique_ptr<AdaptiveFilecache<N>>> _caches;
	std::vector<Spinlock> _locks;

	ThreadedAdaptiveFilecache(std::vector<std::pair<int, double>> const &chunkDescription, int threads)
		: _threads(threads) {
		for (int i = 0; i < threads; i++) {
					std::unique_ptr<AdaptiveFilecache<N>>(new AdaptiveFilecache<N>(chunkDescription))));

	std::vector<bool> verifyIntegrity() {
		int idx = 0;
		std::vector<bool> result;
		std::vector<bool> verified(_threads, false);

		while ((int)result.size() < _threads) {
			if (!verified[idx] && _locks[idx].trylock()) {
				verified[idx] = true;
			idx = (idx + 1) % _threads;
		return result;

	int8_t *allocate(int size) {
		volatile int nullCount = 0;
		volatile int index = 0;
		std::vector<bool> allocated(_threads, false);
		while (nullCount < _threads) {
			if (!allocated[index] && _locks[index].trylock()) {
				volatile auto ptr = _caches[index]->allocate(size);
				allocated[index] = true;
				if (ptr == nullptr) {
				else {
					return ptr;
			index = (index + 1) % _threads;
		return nullptr;

	void free(int8_t * ptr) {
		for (int i = 0; i < _threads; i++) {
			if (_caches[i]->contains(ptr)) {

using namespace std;
int main() {
	FILE *out = fopen("hashuri.out", "w");
	FILE *in = fopen("", "r");
	int n;

	fscanf(in, "%d", &n);
	HT<bool> ht(n);

	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		unsigned long long int op, c;
		fscanf(in, "%llu%llu", &op, &c);

		if (op == 1) {
			ht.insert(c, true);
		else if (op == 2) {
		else if (op == 3) {
			if (ht.contains(c))
				fprintf(out, "1\n");
				fprintf(out, "0\n");
	return 0;