Cod sursa(job #1135854)

Utilizator ZeusCatalin Tiseanu Zeus Data 8 martie 2014 14:51:58
Problema Guvern Scor 0
Compilator cpp Status done
Runda Arhiva de probleme Marime 6.94 kb
 Catalin-Stefan Tiseanu
 Pre-written code is assembled from various sources found online.
 Big thanks to the community for that !
// Pre-written code below

using namespace std;

#include <algorithm>
#include <bitset>
#include <cassert>
#include <cctype>
#include <climits>
#include <cmath>
#include <complex>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <ctime>
#include <deque>
#include <fstream>
#include <functional>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <numeric>
#include <queue>
#include <set>
#include <sstream>
#include <stack>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

#include <unordered_map>

// always remove

//#define DEBUG

#ifndef NDEBUG
#   define assert_msg(condition, message) \
do { \
if (! (condition)) { \
std::cerr << "Assertion `" #condition "` failed in " << __FILE__ \
<< " line " << __LINE__ << ": " << message << std::endl; \
std::exit(EXIT_FAILURE); \
} \
} while (false)
#   define ASSERT(condition, message) do { } while (false)

#ifdef DEBUG
#define debug(args...)            {dbg,args; cerr<<endl;}
#define debug(args...)              // Just strip off all debug tokens

template<class T> std::ostream&  operator <<(std::ostream& stream, const vector<T> & v) {
  for (auto el : v)
    stream << el << " ";
  return stream;

template<class T> std::ostream&  operator <<(std::ostream& stream, const vector<vector<T>> & v) {
  for (auto line : v) {
    for (auto el : line)
      stream << el << " ";
    stream << endl;
  return stream;

template<class T, class U> std::ostream&  operator <<(std::ostream& stream, const pair<U, T> & p) {
  stream << "( " << p.first << ", " << p.second << " )";
  return stream;

class debugger {
  template<class T> void output (const T& v) {
    cerr << v << " ";
  template<class T> debugger& operator , (const T& v) {
    return *this;
} dbg;

// templates  //

// general
//template size
template<typename T> int size(const T& c) { return int(c.size()); }
//template abs
template<typename T> T abs(T x) { return x < 0 ? -x : x; }
//template sqr
template<typename T> T sqr(T x) { return x*x; }
//template remin
template<typename T> bool remin(T& x, T y) { if (x <= y) return false; x = y; return true; }
//template remax
template<typename T> bool remax(T& x, T y) { if (x >= y) return false; x = y; return true; }
//template factorize
template<class T> inline vector<pair<T,int> > factorize(T n) {vector<pair<T,int> > R;for (T i=2;n>1;){if (n%i==0){int C=0;for (;n%i==0;C++,n/=i);R.push_back(make_pair(i,C));} i++;if (i>n/i) i=n;}if (n>1) R.push_back(make_pair(n,1));return R;}
//template toStr
template<typename T> string toStr(T x) { stringstream ss; ss << x; return ss.str(); }

// misc
#define EPS             1e-5

// types
//template int64
typedef long long            int64 ;
//template uint64
typedef unsigned long long   uint64 ;

// shortcuts
#define all(_xx)             _xx.begin(), _xx.end()

#define pb                   push_back
#define vi                   vector<int>
#define vs                   vector<string>
#define vvi                  vector<vector<int>>
#define vd                   vector<double>
#define vpii                 vector<pair<int,int> >
#define vpdd                 vector<pair<double,double> >

#define pii                  pair<int,int>
#define pll                  pair<long long, long long>
#define pdd                  pair<double, double>
#define mp(XX, YY)           make_pair(XX, YY)
#define fi                   first
#define se                   second

#define ll                   long long
#define SS                   stringstream

// for loops
#define re(II, NN)           for (int II(0), _NN(NN); (II) < (NN); ++(II))
#define fod(II, XX, YY)      for (int II(XX), _YY(YY); (II) >= (_YY); --(II))
#define fo(II, XX, YY)       for (int II(XX), _YY(YY); (II) <= (_YY); ++(II))
#define foreach(it,c) for(__typeof((c).begin()) it=(c).begin();it!=(c).end();++it)

// Useful hardware instructions
#define bitcount             __builtin_popcount
#define gcd                  __gcd

// Useful all around
#define checkbit(n,b)        ( (n >> b) & 1)
#define DREP(a)              sort(a.begin(), a.end());a.erase(unique(a.begin(), a.end()),a.end())
#define INDEX(arr,ind)       (lower_bound(arr.begin(), arr.end(),ind)-arr.begin())
#define PAUSE cerr << "Press any key to continue ..."; char xxxx; scanf("%c", &xxxx);
#define fill(xx,val) memset(xx, val, sizeof(xx))

struct Scanner {
  char* curPos;
  const static int BUF_SIZE = (2000000);
  char input[BUF_SIZE];
  FILE * fin;
  void init(FILE * _fin) {
    fin = _fin;
    fread(input, 1, sizeof(input), fin);
    curPos = input;
  Scanner() {;}
  inline void ensureCapacity() {
    int size = input + BUF_SIZE - curPos;
    if (size < 100) {
      memcpy(input, curPos, size);
      fread(input + size, 1, BUF_SIZE - size, fin);
      curPos = input;
  inline int nextInt() {
    while (!isdigit(*curPos) && *curPos != '-')
    int res = 0;
    int sign = 1;
    if (*curPos == '-')
      sign = -1,
    while (*curPos >= '0' && *curPos <= '9')
      res = res * 10 + (*(curPos++) & 15);
    return sign * res;
} Sc;

#define INF (1<<30)

const string filein = "";
const string fileout = "guvern.out";

int N, euler_time;
vvi arb;
vi priority, next_minister, bst;
vpii start_end_time, all_priorities, edges;

set< int > ancestors;

void df (int x, int from) {
  start_end_time[x].first = ++euler_time;

  // find next guy
  //next_minister[x] = N + 1 - bit.query(N + 1 - priority[x]);
  //next_minister[x] = *lower_bound(all(ancestors), x);

  nezt_minister[x] = -1;

  debug("next_minister:", x, next_minister[x]);

  for (auto son : arb[x])
    if (son != from)
      df (son, x);

  start_end_time[x].second = ++euler_time;

void solve() {
  df (N, N);

int main() {
  FILE * fin = fopen(filein.c_str(), "r");
  FILE * fout = fopen(fileout.c_str(), "w");
  N = Sc.nextInt();
  arb.resize(N + 1);
  priority.resize(N + 1);
  start_end_time.resize(N + 1);
  next_minister.resize(N + 1);
  bst.resize(N + 1);
  fo (i, 1, N - 1) {
    int x = Sc.nextInt(), y = Sc.nextInt();
  edges.pb(mp(0, 1));
  fo (i, 1, N) {
    priority[i] = Sc.nextInt();
    all_priorities.pb(mp(priority[i], i));
  debug("all_priorities:", all_priorities);
  re (i, size(all_priorities))
    priority[all_priorities[i].second] = i;
  priority[0] = N;
  debug("priority:", priority);
  for (auto e: edges) {
    arb[ priority[] ].pb(priority[]);
    arb[ priority[] ].pb(priority[]);
  printf("%d\n", bst[0]);
  return 0;