Diferente pentru blog/probability-shortlist intre reviziile #7 si #6

Nu exista diferente intre titluri.

Diferente intre continut:

# (von Neumann’s biased coin) You’re given a biased coin. It falls heads with an unknown probability p and tails with the probability 1 - p. Can you come up with a way to generate fair 0 and 1 results?
# A rand5() function gives uniform integer results between 1 and 5. How can you use it to build a rand7() function?
# Build a function rand(x, y, r) that returns a uniformly random point in the circle given by the (x,y) center and the r radius.
# What’s the expected number of times line 4 is executed if p is a uniform random permutation of numbers 1 to n.
# What’s the expected number of times line x is executed if p is a uniform random permutation of numbers 1 .. n.
==code(python) |
 min = p[0]

Nu exista diferente intre securitate.

Topicul de forum nu a fost schimbat.