Diferente pentru blog/heaps-shortlist intre reviziile #8 si #9

Nu exista diferente intre titluri.

Diferente intre continut:

1. Given an array A, build a heap out of it efficiently.
2. Given k sorted arrays of length n each, describe an algorithm that merges them efficiently.
3. Given an array A where each number is at most k spots away from it's spot in the sorted array, describe an efficient algorithm that returns the sorted array.
3. Given an array A where each number is at most k spots away from its spot in the sorted array, describe an efficient algorithm that returns the sorted array.
4. Given an array of n numbers, describe an efficient algorithm that prints out the smallest k numbers in the array.
5. A Young Tableau is a matrix where elements on each row or column appear in increasing order. Given a Young Tableau A, describe an efficient algorithm that returns the kth element of A.
6. Given a min heap A, give an efficient algorithm that outputs its kth smallest element.

Diferente intre securitate:


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