Diferente pentru blog/combinatorics-shortlist intre reviziile #34 si #35

Nu exista diferente intre titluri.

Diferente intre continut:

# How many ways are there to climb a n level stair if at each step you can climb one or two levels.
# (olimpiada online 2001) Given n points on a circle. Draw all possible n(n-1)/2 chords. What’s the maximum number of triangles one can see. Example: With n = 4 there are 8 triangles (4 with 3 of the 4 circle points and 4 with 2 circle points and 1 the intersection of the diagonal).
# ([4], agora scholarships 2001, 'infoarena':problema/drepte2) What is the maximum number of regions the plane can be split into by n lines. (Same problem for n circles, n planes, n spheres) Example: For n = 4 we can get 7 regions.
# [1] What is the maximum product for collection of natural numbers that sum up to n.
# ([1]) What is the maximum product for collection of natural numbers that sum up to n.
# ([1], romanian national olympiad, 10th grade, 2000) How many ways can you tile a 3xn rectangle with dominoes.
# (romanian IOI selection, 1999)

Nu exista diferente intre securitate.

Topicul de forum nu a fost schimbat.