Diferente pentru blog/combinatorics-shortlist intre reviziile #30 si #31

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                   print ‘*’
How many stars will be printed for a given n and k.
# [1], ('acm.sgu.ru':http://acm.sgu.ru/problem.php?contest=0&problem=222) How many ways can k rooks be placed on a nxn chessboard so that they don’t attack each other.
# (romanian county olympiad, 11th grade 2000 [1]) How many permutations of length n have no fixed points. A fixed point in a permutation p is p(i) = i
# ([1], 'acm.sgu.ru':http://acm.sgu.ru/problem.php?contest=0&problem=222) How many ways can k rooks be placed on a nxn chessboard so that they don’t attack each other.
# (romanian county olympiad, 11th grade 2000 [1], 'acm.sgu.ru':http://acm.sgu.ru/problem.php?contest=0&problem=356) How many permutations of length n have no fixed points. A fixed point in a permutation p is p(i) = i
# (county level olympiad, 1994 [1]) How many correct bracket sequences of length 2n are there.
# (10th grade math course) How many paths are there on a grid from 1,1 to n, m if at each step you can either increase your x coordinate or increase your y coordinate.
# Given a permutation of numbers 1 to n, what's the minimum number of swaps one can use to get to the identity permutation.
# Given a permutation p what's the minimum k so that p^k(i) = i for all i in {1..n}.
# (romanian ioi selection 98, topcoder 2004) Find a permutation p of n elements which maximizes k so that p^k(i) = i for all i in {1..n}.
# ('infoarena':problema/perm2) Given a permutation p what's the minimum k so that p^k(i) = i for all i in {1..n}.
# (romanian ioi selection 98, topcoder 2004, 'infoarena':problema/perm5) Find a permutation p of n elements which maximizes k so that p^k(i) = i for all i in {1..n}.
# [1] 6 people are at a party. Each two persons can be either friends or enemies. Prove that there is at least a group of three mutual friends or a group of three mutual enemies.
# (acm.sgu.ru) How many length n black/white circular necklaces are there? (babb is the same with bbab because the first necklace can be rotated to align with the second one)

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