Diferente pentru blog/ccc-2017-bucharest intre reviziile #3 si #7

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Catalysts Coding Contest este un concurs popular printre programatorii romani. Anul acesta, pentru prima data, se va desfasura si in Bucuresti, in cadrul Facultatii de Matematica si Informatica a Universitatii Bucuresti. In continuare va redam mesajul organizatorilor. Spor la treaba!
_Catalysts Coding Contest este un concurs popular printre programatorii romani. Anul acesta, pentru prima data, se va desfasura si in Bucuresti, in cadrul Facultatii de Matematica si Informatica a Universitatii Bucuresti. In continuare va redam mesajul organizatorilor. Spor la treaba!_
*Dear Coder!
Dear Coder!
On 31 March 2017 the Catalysts Coding Contest (CCC) is coming to Bucharest!
The University of Bucharest will be one of the Romanian hosts of the contest.
Whether it is Java, .NET, JavaScript, Smalltalk, MATLAB or Excel - with us, everything is allowed, the target (an algorithm organized on 7 levels) is given, the path (any programming language you prefer) is left to everyone.
Whether it is C++, Java, .NET, JavaScript, Smalltalk, MATLAB or Excel - with us, everything is allowed, the target (an algorithm organized on 7 levels) is given, the path (any programming language you prefer) is left to everyone.
Prepare yourself for an exciting afternoon where you´ll meet a lot of people who share your passion. Make some noise at the contest and show us that you‘re up for the challenge!

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