Diferente pentru utilizator/alexthero intre reviziile #32 si #25

Nu exista diferente intre titluri.

Diferente intre continut:

h2. Experienta profesionala
* 2011-present: Co-Founder, CEO, Take Off Labs
* 2010: Software Engineer, Google, Munich, Germany
* 2009-present: Software Engineer, GBT Systems, Philadelphia, PA, USA
* 2009-2010: Chief Technical Officer, 123LinkIt, Philadelphia, PA, USA
* 2009: Software Development Engineer, Microsoft, Redmond, WA, USA
h2. Studii
* 2011-2013: MSc. Computer Science, Management of Technology and Entrepreneurship, EPFL
* 2008-2011: BSc. Computer Science, Jacobs University Bremen
* 2008-prezent: Jacobs University Bremen, majoring in Computer Science
* 2006-2008: International Computers High School of Bucharest
* 2000-2006: Liceul "Avram Iancu" Cluj-Napoca
h2. Premii si distinctii
* Component al lotului national de informatica 2007, 2008
* calificare la finalele TCHS (2007, 2008)
* calificare la semifinala Google CodeJam 2008
* Premiu special, .Campion 2008
* Premiu special, .Campion 2008
h2. Activitati
* masini
* web design
* inot, fotbal
CV-ul meu (deocamdata scurt) poate fi vazut 'aici':http://infoarena.ro/utilizator/alexthero?action=download&file=cv.pdf
Haide "U" Cluj!

Nu exista diferente intre securitate.

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