Diferente pentru trie-forest-based-sort intre reviziile #22 si #10

Nu exista diferente intre titluri.

Diferente intre continut:

h3. The first idea is that if you have a string of length h, you can insert it in a trie of height h. We could maintain a list of tries,
h3. trie H[N], where H[i] is a trie with height i so when we insert a string with length i, we insert it in H[i].
h3. trie H[N], where H[i] is a trie with height i so when we insert a string with lenght i, we insert it in H[i].
h3. But what happens when we have, say 2 strings, one of length 3, and one with length 10^20^? We can't declare H[10^20^].
h3. 1) if there is a trie with height h in the binary search tree, we insert the string in that trie
h3. 2) if there isn't a trie with height h in the binary search tree, we create it, we insert the string in an empty trie, and then we insert the trie in
h3. 2) if there isn't a trie with height h in the binary search tree, we create it, we insert the stringh, and then we insert the trie in
h3. the binary search tree.
== code(c) |
// Sorting Big Numbers using Trie-Forest based sort indexed in a STL set (Red-Black Tree)
// copyright(c) Serban Lupulescu & Mircea Dima
// Time Complexity: O(n*max_len)
// Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Bucharest
// :D
#include <cstdio>
#include <string>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#define maxh 666013
#define N 10024
// Sorting Big Numbers using Trie-Forest based sort indexed in a STL set (Red-Black Tree)
// copyright   idea :          Serban Lupulescu
//             implementation: Mircea Dima
// Time Complexity: O(n*max_len)
// Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Bucharest
// :D
using namespace std;
inline int length(char a[])
      return n;
struct nod { int nr; nod *next[10];};
typedef nod* trie;
      for(int i=0; i < n; ++i)
            if(T->next[a[i]] == 0) //if I don't have an edge, I create it
            if(T->next[a[i]] == 0)
            //if I don't have an edge, I creat it
                  T->next[a[i]]=new nod;
                  if(T->next[i]->nr)//has a number ended here?
                  if(T->next[i]->nr)//has a number ended?
                        for(int j=1; j <= T->next[i]->nr; ++j)

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