Diferente pentru trie-forest-based-sort intre reviziile #18 si #19

Nu exista diferente intre titluri.

Diferente intre continut:

h3. The first idea is that if you have a string of length h, you can insert it in a trie of height h. We could maintain a list of tries,
h3. trie H[N], where H[i] is a trie with height i so when we insert a string with lengght i, we insert it in H[i].
h3. trie H[N], where H[i] is a trie with height i so when we insert a string with length i, we insert it in H[i].
h3. But what happens when we have, say 2 strings, one of length 3, and one with length 10^20^? We can't declare H[10^20^].

Nu exista diferente intre securitate.

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