Cod sursa(job #3164686)

Utilizator fortyforBroscoi Mihai fortyfor Data 4 noiembrie 2023 07:10:20
Problema Suma si numarul divizorilor Scor 30
Compilator cpp-64 Status done
Runda Arhiva educationala Marime 2.72 kb
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#define MOD 9973
/*Divizorii unui număr natural n reprezintă mulţimea de numere naturale, mai mici sau egale cu n,
cu proprietatea că divid pe n. Să se determine pentru t numere naturale cardinalul acestei mulţimi
şi restul împărţirii sumei elementelor mulţimii la 9973.*/

std::ifstream fin (""); //input file
std::ofstream fout ("ssnd.out"); //output file

unsigned long long pr(long long a, long long b) { //functie de exponentiere
    long long thing = 1;
    while (b>0){
        if (b&1) {thing=thing*a;}
        b >>=1;
    return thing;

unsigned short expo(long long a, int p) { //gaseste puterea unui numar prim din descompunerea in factori (practic logaritm cu baza p de a)
    unsigned short c=0;
    while (a%p==0) {
    return c;

bool SoE[1000001];
std::vector<int> primeList;

void genList(){
    for (int i=2;(i<<1)<=1000000;i++)
    for (int i=3;i*i<=1000000;i+=2)
        if (!SoE[i]) {
            for (int j=(i<<1);j<=1000000;j+=i)

int main(){
    unsigned short t;
    fin >> t; //get number of iterations
    for (int i=0;i<t;i++)
        unsigned long long n; //initialize current number
        fin >> n; //read current number from file
        unsigned long long countDracula=1,sigma=1; //initialize number of divisors and sum of divisors
        //if (n%2==0) {countDracula*=( expo(n, 2) +1 );sigma*= ( pr(2, expo(n, 2)+1)-1 )%MOD; while(n%2==0){n/=2;} }
        /*for (unsigned long long j=3;j<=n;j+=2)
            if (!SoE[j] && n%j==0) {
                countDracula*=(expo(n, j)+1); //add divisors implied by the prime factor to The Count
                sigma*=( ( pr(j, expo(n, j)+1)-1)/(j-1) ); //sum divisors implied by the prime factor
                while (n%j==0){n/=j;} //remove prime factor from number
        for (int j=0;primeList[j]<=n;j++)
            if (n%primeList[j]==0) {
                short e=expo(n, primeList[j]);
                sigma*=(pr(primeList[j], e+1)-1)/(primeList[j]-1);
                while (n%primeList[j]==0) {n/=primeList[j];}
        if (n>1000000) { //cazul in care n e prim si mai mare decat 10**6
        fout << countDracula << " " << sigma << std::endl; //write number of divisors and sum of divisors mod 9973 of currrent number
    return 0;