Cod sursa(job #2949102)

Utilizator asparagusNadu Toma asparagus Data 29 noiembrie 2022 19:34:36
Problema Algoritmul Bellman-Ford Scor 35
Compilator cpp-64 Status done
Runda Arhiva educationala Marime 4.44 kb
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

void* standardBellmanFord(int numberOfNodes, const vector<vector<int>> &edgeList, int sourceNode, int *distanceTo) {
    for (int i=0; i<numberOfNodes; i++)

    distanceTo[sourceNode] = 0;
//    bool updatesOccurred = true;
    int i;

    for(i=0; i<numberOfNodes-1;i++) {// && updatesOccurred; i++) {
//        updatesOccurred = false;

        for (const auto &edge: edgeList)
            if (distanceTo[edge[0]] + edge[2] < distanceTo[edge[1]]) {
                distanceTo[edge[1]] = distanceTo[edge[0]] + edge[2];

//                if (not updatesOccurred)
//                    updatesOccurred = true;

//    if (i == numberOfNodes)
        for (const auto &edge : edgeList)
            if (distanceTo[edge[0]] + edge[2] < distanceTo[edge[1]])
                return nullptr;

    return distanceTo;

//// Variant which uses a priority queue to keep track of unprocessed nodes with modified distances.
//// In the original algorithm, if a node's distance wasn't modified during the previous iteration, then
//// its adjacent nodes' distances will certainly not be updated either, making the processing of said node redundant.
//// - if (nullptr) then a cycle was detected
//// - the 'distanceTo' was updated successfully and contains the correct result
//void* optimisedBellmanFord(int numberOfNodes, const vector<vector<pair<int, int>>> &adjacencyList, int sourceNode, int *distanceTo) {
//    // necessary to keep track of unprocessed modified nodes
//    queue<int> modifiedNodes;
//    // a node's distance can only be updated in as many as 'numberOfNodes' iteration;
//    // any more than that and it is clear that that particular node is part of a cycle;
//    int timesUpdated[numberOfNodes];
//    // initializing arrays
//    for (int i=0; i<numberOfNodes; i++) {
//        distanceTo[i]=INT_MAX;
//        timesUpdated[i]=0;
//    }
//    // pushing the source node and performing the necessary alterations in the arrays
//    distanceTo[sourceNode] = 0;
//    timesUpdated[sourceNode] = 1;
//    modifiedNodes.push(sourceNode);
//    int currentNode;
//    // algorithm stalls when either there no more nodes' distances have been modified
//    // or when a node with more than 'numberOfNodes' updates to its distance has been
//    // found (and, therefore, a cycle was detected)
//    while(not modifiedNodes.empty()) {
//        currentNode = modifiedNodes.front();
//        modifiedNodes.pop();
//        // updating adjacent nodes' distances
//        for (const auto &adjacentNode : adjacencyList[currentNode])
//            // it might happen that a node had been pushed to the queue multiple times
//            // and, between the processing of its first instance and its remaining instances,
//            // its distance remained unmodified; it is therefore necessary to verify the condition
//            // bellow applies, not to traverse its adjacent nodes unnecessarily and falsely mark it as updated
//            if (distanceTo[currentNode] + adjacentNode.second < distanceTo[adjacentNode.first]) {
//                // cycle detected
//                if (timesUpdated[adjacentNode.first] > numberOfNodes - 1)
//                    return nullptr;
//                // updating distance
//                distanceTo[adjacentNode.first] = distanceTo[currentNode] + adjacentNode.second;
//                // marking the new update
//                timesUpdated[adjacentNode.first]++;
//                // pushing adjacent node to the queue for processing
//                modifiedNodes.push(adjacentNode.first);
//            }
//    }
//    return (void *)distanceTo;

int main() {
    int numberOfNodes, numberOfEdges, firstNode, secondNode, cost;

    ifstream input("");

    vector<vector<int>> edgeList;

    for (int i=0; i<numberOfEdges; i++) {
        firstNode--; secondNode--;
        edgeList.push_back({firstNode, secondNode, cost});


    ofstream output("bellmanford.out");

    int distanceTo[numberOfNodes];

    if (standardBellmanFord(numberOfNodes, edgeList, 0, distanceTo) == nullptr)
        output<<"Ciclu negativ!";
        for (int i=1; i<numberOfNodes; i++)
            output<<distanceTo[i]<<' ';


    return 0;