Cod sursa(job #2831011)

Utilizator Andrei_SturzuAndrei Sturzu Andrei_Sturzu Data 10 ianuarie 2022 18:07:54
Problema Flux maxim Scor 0
Compilator py Status done
Runda Arhiva educationala Marime 40.68 kb
from collections import defaultdict
from collections import deque
from queue import PriorityQueue
import filecmp

class Graph:
    def __init__(self, nodes=0):
        self.nodes = nodes
        self.neighbours = defaultdict(list)
        self.weights = {(u, v): 0 for u in range(1, self.nodes + 1) for v in range(1, self.nodes + 1)}

    # adds a directed edge to graph
    def addDirectedEdge(self, u, v, w=0):
        self.weights[(u, v)] = w

    # adds a directed edge to graph
    def addUndirectedEdge(self, u, v, w=0):
        self.weights[(u, v)] = w

    def addNode(self, node):
        self.nodes += 1
        self.neighbours[node] = []

    # deletes nodes that have the ids mentioned in nodes list
    def deleteNodes(self, *nodes):
        for node in nodes:
            del self.neighbours[node]
            self.nodes -= 1
            for key in self.weights:
                if key[0] == node:
                    del self.weights[key]
        return self

    # creates the transposed graph
    def transpose(self):
        if self.nodes > 0:
            transposed_graph = defaultdict(list)
            for source, targets in self.neighbours.items():
                for target in targets:

            t = Graph(self.nodes)
            t.neighbours = transposed_graph
            return t
            return None

    # prints and returns BFS order starting from source node and returns the path as a list
    def bfs(self, source):
        bfsOrder = []
        visited = {i: False for i in self.neighbours.keys()}

        queue = []

        visited[source] = True

        while queue:
            current = queue.pop(0)
            print(source, sep=' ')
            for i in self.neighbours[current]:
                if not visited[i]:
                    visited[i] = True

        print(f"BFS starting from node {source} is:\n {bfsOrder} \n")
        return bfsOrder

    # returns the minimum number of arches needed to get from source to every other node in the graph
    # if there is no path the value will be -1
    def bfs_cost(self, source):
        visited = {i: False for i in self.neighbours.keys()}

        queue = []
        cost = [0] * (self.nodes + 1)

        visited[source] = True

        while queue:
            current = queue.pop(0)
            # print(current, sep=' ')
            for i in self.neighbours[current]:
                if not visited[i]:
                    cost[i] = cost[current] + 1
                    visited[i] = True

        for node in self.neighbours.keys():
            if not visited[node]:
                cost[node] = -1

        return cost

    # helper function for Tree Diameter computation
    # return the index of the last Node of the longest path from source Node and the length of the path
    def bfs_darb(self, source):
        bfsOrder = []
        distance = [-1 for i in range(self.nodes + 1)]
        visited = {i: False for i in range(1, self.nodes + 1)}

        queue = []

        distance[source] = 1
        visited[source] = True

        while queue:
            current = queue.pop(0)
            for i in self.neighbours[current]:
                if not visited[i]:
                    distance[i] = distance[current] + 1
                    visited[i] = True

        maxLength = 0
        nodeIndex = 0

        for i in range(1, self.nodes + 1):
            if distance[i] > maxLength:
                maxLength = distance[i]
                nodeIndex = i

        # print(f"BFS starting from node {source} is:\n {bfsOrder} \n Maximum length is: {maxLength}\n")
        return nodeIndex, maxLength

    # returns the Diameter of a Tree and the nodes at each end
    def darb(self):
        node1, distance = self.bfs_darb(1)
        node2, diameter = self.bfs_darb(node1)

        # print(f"Diameter of tree is {diameter} calculated between nodes:\n {node1} and {node2}\n")
        return node1, node2, diameter

    # returns DFS traversal starting from source node as a list
    # helper function for numberOfConnectedComponents
    def dfs(self, source, visited, dfsOrder=[]):
        visited[source] = True

        for i in self.neighbours[source]:
            if not visited[i]:
                self.dfs(i, visited)

        return dfsOrder

    # returns number of connected componets in an undirected graph
    def numberOfConnectedComponents(self):
        visited = {i: False for i in range(1, self.nodes + 1)}
        count = 0

        for node in range(1, self.nodes + 1):
            if not visited[node]:
                self.dfs(node, visited)
                count += 1

        return count

    # helper function for finding strongly connected components
    # dfs traversal; before returning push node to stack
    def dfs_Kosaraju1(self, source, visited, stack):
        visited[source] = True

        for node in self.neighbours[source]:
            if not visited[node]:
                self.dfs_Kosaraju1(node, visited, stack)


    # helper function for finding strongly connected components
    # counts SCC and stores each component in a dictionary
    def dfs_Kosaraju2(self, source, visited, components, count):
        visited[source] = True

        transpose_g = self.transpose()

        for node in transpose_g.neighbours[source]:
            if not visited[node]:
                self.dfs_Kosaraju2(node, visited, components, count)

    # returns the strongly connected components in a directed graph
    def SCC_Kosaraju(self):
        stack = deque()
        components = defaultdict(list)
        count = 0

        visited = {i: False for i in range(1, self.nodes + 1)}

        for node in list(self.neighbours.keys()):
            if not visited[node]:
                self.dfs_Kosaraju1(node, visited, stack)

        visited = {i: False for i in range(1, self.nodes + 1)}

        while stack:
            node = stack.pop()
            if not visited[node]:
                count += 1
                self.dfs_Kosaraju2(node, visited, components, count)

        return components

    # helper function used in topologicalSort
    def topoSortDFS(self, soruce, visited, stack):
        visited[soruce] = True

        for neighbour in self.neighbours[soruce]:
            if not visited[neighbour]:
                self.topoSortDFS(neighbour, visited, stack)


    # returns a topological sort of the nodes of a directed graph
    def topologicalSort(self):
        stack = deque()
        result = []

        visited = {i: False for i in range(1, self.nodes + 1)}

        for node in list(self.neighbours.keys()):
            if not visited[node]:
                self.topoSortDFS(node, visited, stack)

        while stack:
            node = stack.pop()

        return result

    # helper function to find cut vertices in an undirected graph
    def art_p_dfs(self, source, visited, ap, parent, low_link, timestamp, time):
        children = 0
        visited[source] = True
        timestamp[source] = time
        low_link[source] = time
        time += 1

        for neighbour in self.neighbours[source]:
            if not visited[neighbour]:
                parent[neighbour] = source
                children += 1
                self.art_p_dfs(neighbour, visited, ap, parent, low_link, timestamp, time)

                low_link[source] = min(low_link[source], low_link[neighbour])

                if (parent[source] == -1 and children > 1) or (parent[source] != -1 and low_link[neighbour] >= timestamp[source]):
                    ap[source] = True

            elif neighbour != parent[source]:
                low_link[source] = min(low_link[source], timestamp[neighbour])

    # returns the ARTICULATION POINTS (CUT VERTICES) in an undirected graph
    def articulation_points(self):
        time = 0
        visited = {i: False for i in self.neighbours.keys()}
        disc = {i: -1 for i in self.neighbours.keys()}
        low = {i: -1 for i in self.neighbours.keys()}
        parent = {i: -1 for i in self.neighbours.keys()}
        ap = {i: False for i in self.neighbours.keys()}

        for i in self.neighbours.keys():
            if not visited[i]:
                self.art_p_dfs(i, visited, ap, parent, low, disc, time)

        art_points = [node for node in ap.keys() if ap[node]]
        if art_points:
            return art_points
            return None

    # helper function used in bridges
    def bridgesDFS(self, source, time, visited, parent, low_link, timestamp, bridges):
        visited[source] = True
        timestamp[source] = time
        low_link[source] = time
        time += 1

        for neighbour in self.neighbours[source]:
            if not visited[neighbour]:
                parent[neighbour] = source
                self.bridgesDFS(neighbour, time, visited, parent, low_link, timestamp, bridges)

                low_link[source] = min(low_link[source], low_link[neighbour])

                if low_link[neighbour] > timestamp[source]:
                    print(source, neighbour)
                    bridges.append([source, neighbour])

            elif neighbour != parent[source]:
                low_link[source] = min(low_link[source], timestamp[neighbour])

    # returns the bridges in an undirected graph
    def bridges(self):
        time = 0
        bridges = []
        visited = {i: False for i in self.neighbours.keys()}
        timestamp = {i: -1 for i in self.neighbours.keys()}
        low_link = {i: -1 for i in self.neighbours.keys()}
        parent = {i: -1 for i in self.neighbours.keys()}

        for node in self.neighbours.keys():
            if not visited[node]:
                self.bridgesDFS(node, time, visited, parent, low_link, timestamp, bridges)

        return bridges

    # helper function to find Bi-connected Components of an Undirected Graph
    def biconnected_c_dfs(self, source, time, visited, parent, low_link, timestamp, stack,
                          component_e, components_e, component_n, components_n):
        children = 0
        visited[source] = True
        timestamp[source] = time
        low_link[source] = time
        time += 1

        for neighbour in self.neighbours[source]:
            if not visited[neighbour]:
                parent[neighbour] = source
                children += 1
                stack.append((source, neighbour))
                self.biconnected_c_dfs(neighbour, time, visited, parent, low_link, timestamp, stack, component_e, components_e, component_n, components_n)

                low_link[source] = min(low_link[source], low_link[neighbour])

                if (parent[source] == -1 and children > 1) or (parent[source] != -1 and low_link[neighbour] >= timestamp[source]):
                    edge = (None, None)
                    while edge != (source, neighbour):
                        edge = stack.pop()

            elif neighbour != parent[source] and low_link[source] > timestamp[neighbour]:
                low_link[source] = min(low_link[source], timestamp[neighbour])
                stack.append((source, neighbour))

    # finds Bi-connected Components of an Undirected Graph
    def biconnected_components(self):
        timestamp = {i: -1 for i in self.neighbours.keys()}
        low_link = {i: -1 for i in self.neighbours.keys()}
        parent = {i: -1 for i in self.neighbours.keys()}
        visited = {i: False for i in self.neighbours.keys()}
        stack = deque()
        time = 0
        component_e = []
        components_e = []
        component_n = set()
        components_n = []
        nodes = {}

        for i in self.neighbours.keys():
            if not visited[i]:
                self.biconnected_c_dfs(i, time, visited, parent, low_link, timestamp, stack, component_e, components_e, component_n, components_n)
            if stack:
                while stack:
                    edge = stack.pop()
                    nodes[timestamp[edge[0]]] = edge[0]
                    nodes[timestamp[edge[1]]] = edge[1]

        # returns nodes of every component as a set
        # and returns edges of every component as list of tuples
        return components_n, components_e

    # helper function to find all shortest paths from source to target in undirected graph
    # finds all paths with specified length from source to target
    def dfs_all_paths(self, source, target, visited, path, paths, length):
        visited[source] = True

        if source == target:
            if len(path) - 1 == length:
            for i in self.neighbours[source]:
                if not visited[i]:
                    self.dfs_all_paths(i, target, visited, path, paths, length)

        visited[source] = False

    # helper function to find all shortest paths in undirected graph
    # returns all path with specified length from source to target
    def print_all_paths(self, source, target, length):
        visited = {i: False for i in self.neighbours.keys()}
        path = []
        paths = []

        self.dfs_all_paths(source, target, visited, path, paths, length)
        return paths

    # helper function to find all shortest paths in undirected graph
    # finds parents of each node in a path
    def sht_paths_bfs(self, parent, source):
        distance = [float('inf')] * (self.nodes + 1)
        q = deque()
        parent[source] = [-1]
        distance[source] = 0

        while q:
            currentNode = q[0]

            for neighbour in self.neighbours[currentNode]:
                if distance[neighbour] > distance[currentNode] + 1:
                    distance[neighbour] = distance[currentNode] + 1

                elif distance[neighbour] == distance[currentNode] + 1:

    # helper function to find all shortest paths in undirected graph
    # stores paths in reversed order starting with the last node (leaf --> root)
    def find_paths(self, paths, path, parent, target):
        if target == -1:

        for par in parent[target]:
            self.find_paths(paths, path, parent, par)

    # prints all paths from source to target
    def print_paths(self, source, target):
        paths = []
        path = []
        parent = {i: [] for i in range(1, self.nodes + 1)}
        self.sht_paths_bfs(parent, source)
        self.find_paths(paths, path, parent, target)

        for path in paths:
            path = reversed(path)
            for node in path:
                print(node, end=" ")

    # returns all shortest paths in undirected graph
    def bfs_shortest_paths(self, source, target):
        visited = {i: False for i in range(1, self.nodes + 1)}
        distance = [float('inf')] * (self.nodes + 1)
        number_of_paths = [0] * (self.nodes + 1)
        queue = []

        distance[source] = 0
        number_of_paths[source] = 1

        visited[source] = True

        s = source

        while queue:
            source = queue.pop(0)
            for i in self.neighbours[source]:
                if not visited[i]:
                    visited[i] = True

                if distance[i] > distance[source] + 1:
                    distance[i] = distance[source] + 1
                    number_of_paths[i] = number_of_paths[source]

                elif distance[i] == distance[source] + 1:
                    number_of_paths[i] += number_of_paths[source]

        paths = self.print_all_paths(s, target, distance[target])

        return paths

    # Dijkstra Algorithm (does not work if graph has negative cycles)
    # Returns the costs from source node to every other node in the graph
    def Dijkstra(self, source):
        visited = {i: False for i in range(1, self.nodes + 1)}
        costs = {i: float('inf') for i in range(1, self.nodes + 1)}
        costs[source] = 0

        pq = PriorityQueue()
        pq.put((0, source))

        while not pq.empty():
            (dist, current_node) = pq.get()
            visited[current_node] = True

            for neighbour in self.neighbours[current_node]:
                    cost = self.weights[(current_node, neighbour)]
                    if not visited[neighbour]:
                        old_cost = costs[neighbour]
                        new_cost = costs[current_node] + cost
                        if new_cost < old_cost:
                            pq.put((new_cost, neighbour))
                            costs[neighbour] = new_cost
                except KeyError:
        # print(f"The cost of getting from node {source}, to every other node is:\n {costs}")
        return costs

    # Bellman-Ford Algorithm (works if graph has negative cycles)
    # Returns the costs from source node to every other node in the graph
    def Bellman_Ford(self, source):
        costs = {i: float('inf') for i in range(1, self.nodes + 1)}
        costs[source] = 0

        for i in range(1, self.nodes + 1):
            for edge, cost in self.weights.items():
                if costs[edge[0]] + cost < costs[edge[1]]:
                    costs[edge[1]] = costs[edge[0]] + cost

        for edge, cost in self.weights.items():
            if costs[edge[0]] + cost < costs[edge[1]]:
                costs[edge[0]] = float("-inf")

        return costs

    # Floyd Warshall Algorithm
    # Finds all shortest(lowest cost) paths between every pair of nodes in a graph
    def Floyd_Warshall(self, costs):
        # input data states that if there is no path between nodes i and j, cost[i][j] = 0
        # to calculate the minimum cost we need to make cost[i][j] = infinity if there is no path between nodes i and j
        for i in range(len(costs[0])):
            for j in range(len(costs[0])):
                if i == j:
                    costs[i][j] = 0
                elif costs[i][j] == 0:
                    costs[i][j] = float("inf")

        for k in range(0, self.nodes):
            for i in range(0, self.nodes):
                for j in range(0, self.nodes):
                    costs[i][j] = min(costs[i][j], costs[i][k] + costs[k][j])
        return costs

    # helper function for finding MAXIMUM FLOW from source to target through a network with EDMONDS KARP ALGORITHM
    def ed_k_bfs(self, target, Capacity, rCapacity, parent, mFlow, queue):
        while queue:
            node = queue.pop(0)

            for neighbour in self.neighbours[node]:
                # print(node, neighbour, Capacity[(node, neighbour)], rCapacity[(node, neighbour)])
                if Capacity[(node, neighbour)] - rCapacity[(node, neighbour)] > 0 and parent[neighbour] == -1:
                    parent[neighbour] = node
                    mFlow[neighbour] = min(mFlow[node], Capacity[(node, neighbour)] - rCapacity[(node, neighbour)])
                    if neighbour != target:
                        return mFlow[target], parent

        return 0, parent

    # initialize capacity matrix of graph for maximum flow tasks
    def initialize_capacity_matrix(self):
        Capacity = defaultdict()
        for u in range(1, self.nodes + 1):
            for v in range(1, self.nodes + 1):
                if (u, v) in self.weights.keys():
                    Capacity[(u, v)] = self.weights[(u, v)]
                    Capacity[(u, v)] = 0
        return Capacity

    # returns MAXIMUM FLOW from source to target through a network with EDMONDS KARP ALGORITHM
    def Edmonds_Karp(self, source, target):
        flow = 0
        rCapacity = {(u, v): 0 for u in range(1, self.nodes + 1) for v in range(1, self.nodes + 1)}
        Capacity = self.initialize_capacity_matrix()

        while True:
            parent = {i: -1 for i in range(1, self.nodes + 1)}
            parent[source] = -2
            mFlow = {i: 0 for i in range(1, self.nodes + 1)}
            mFlow[source] = float("inf")
            queue = [source]

            path_flow, parent = self.ed_k_bfs(target, Capacity, rCapacity, parent, mFlow, queue)

            if path_flow == 0:

            flow += path_flow
            node = target

            while node != source:
                parent_node = parent[node]
                rCapacity[(parent_node, node)] = rCapacity[(parent_node, node)] + path_flow
                rCapacity[(node, parent_node)] = rCapacity[(node, parent_node)] - path_flow
                node = parent_node

        return flow, rCapacity

    # returns number of edges (and edges as list of node pairs)
    # that need to be added in an undirected graph for it to become connected
    def conexidad(self):
        m_extra = 0
        visited = {i: False for i in range(1, self.nodes + 1)}
        count = 0
        components = []

        for node in range(1, self.nodes + 1):
            if not visited[node]:
                component = self.dfs(node, visited)
                count += 1

        components.sort(key=len, reverse=True)
        extras = {i: PriorityQueue() for i in range(count)}
        edges = []

        for i in range(count):
            for node in components[i]:
                extras[i].put((0, node))

        i = 0
        while count > 1:
            count -= 1
            extra_edges1, node1 = extras[i].get()
            extra_edges2, node2 = extras[i + 1].get()
            extras[i].put((extra_edges1 + 1, node1))
            extras[i + 1].put((extra_edges2 + 1, node2))
            edges.append((node1, node2))

            # print(count, components)

            while not extras[i].empty():
                # print(extras[i].get())
                extras[i + 1].put(extras[i].get())
            del extras[i]

            i += 1

        keys = list(extras.keys())
        while not extras[keys[0]].empty():
            m_extra = extras[keys[0]].get()[0]

        return m_extra, edges

    # returns the weight of each edge of a undirected graph so that the path from SOURCE to TARGET is the shortest
    def marmelada(self, source, target, edges, lengths):
        paths = self.bfs_shortest_paths(source, target)
        sh_path = paths[0]
        for i in range(len(sh_path) - 1):
                edges[(sh_path[i], sh_path[i+1])].add(lengths[0])
            except ValueError:
                edges[(sh_path[i+1], sh_path[i])].add(lengths[0])

        for key in edges.keys():
            if len(edges[key]) == 0:

        return edges

    # returns the weight of each edge of a undirected graph so that the path from SOURCE to TARGET is the shortest
    def marmelada2(self, source, target, edges, lengths):
        queue = []
        visited = {i: False for i in self.neighbours.keys()}
        visited[source] = True
        while queue:
            path = queue.pop(0)
            node = path[-1]
            if node == target:
                for i in range(len(path) - 1):
                        edges[(path[i], path[i + 1])].add(lengths[0])
                    except ValueError:
                        edges[(path[i + 1], path[i])].add(lengths[0])

                for key in edges.keys():
                    if len(edges[key]) == 0:
                return edges

            for current_node in self.neighbours[node]:
                if not visited[current_node]:
                    visited[current_node] = True
                    new_path = list(path)

    # PAMANT
    # returns minimum node and the cut vertices of each connected component of a undirected graph
    def pamant(self):
        visited = {i: False for i in range(1, self.nodes + 1)}
        components = []
        art_points = []

        for node in range(1, self.nodes + 1):
            if not visited[node]:
                component = self.dfs(node, visited)

        codes = [min(c) for c in components]

        for component in components:
            c_graph = Graph(len(component))
            for node in component:
                c_graph.neighbours[node] = self.neighbours[node]
            ap = c_graph.articulation_points()
            if ap is not None:

        return codes, art_points

    # # TRANSPORT2
    def transport2(self, source, target, visited, max_weight, dfsOrder):
        pq = PriorityQueue()
        visited[source] = True

        if source == target:
            return -max(max_weight), dfsOrder

        visited[source] = True

        for i in self.neighbours[source]:
            if not visited[i]:
                pq.put((-self.weights[(source, i)], i))
        m_weight, node = pq.get()
        max_weight. append(m_weight)
        self.transport2(node, target, visited, max_weight, dfsOrder)

        return -max(max_weight), dfsOrder

file = ''

with open(file, 'rt') as f:
    content = f.readlines()
    content = [line.strip().split() for line in content]
    content = [[int(x) for x in line] for line in content]

    N, M = content[0][0], content[1][0]

commissions = [i for i in range(N + 1, N + M + 1)]
senators = content[2:]

g = Graph(N + M)

for i in range(M):
    for j in range(len(senators[i])):
        g.addUndirectedEdge(senators[i][j], commissions[i], 1)

s = N + M + 1

t = N + M + 2

for senator in range(1, N + 1):
    g.addUndirectedEdge(s, senator, 1)

for commission in range(N + 1, N + M + 1):
    g.addUndirectedEdge(commission, t, 1)

check_commissions = []
res = g.Edmonds_Karp(s, t)[1]

with open('senat.out', 'wt') as f:
    for key, value in res.items():
        if value == 1 and (s not in key and t not in key):

    if set(check_commissions) != set(commissions):

# file = ''
# with open(file, 'rt') as f:
#     content = f.readlines()
#     content = [line.strip().split() for line in content]
#     content = [[int(x) for x in line] for line in content]
#     N, M = content[0][0], content[0][1]
# g = Graph(N)
# for edges in content[1:]:
#     g.addUndirectedEdge(edges[0], edges[1], edges[2])
# visited = {i: False for i in g.neighbours.keys()}
# max_weight = []
# dfsOrder = []
# result = g.transport2(1, N, visited, max_weight, dfsOrder)
# print(result)
# with open('transport2.out', 'wt') as f:
#     f.write(str(result[0]))

# file = ''
# with open(file, 'rt') as f:
#     content = f.readlines()
#     content = [line.strip().split() for line in content]
#     content = [[int(x) for x in line] for line in content]
#     N, M = content[0][0], content[0][1]
# g = Graph(N)
# for edges in content[1:]:
#     g.addUndirectedEdge(edges[0], edges[1], edges[2])
# result = g.Edmonds_Karp(1, N)
# with open('maxflow.out', 'wt') as f:
#     f.write(str(result[0]))
# f1 = 'grader_test10_maxflow.ok'
# f2 = 'maxflow.out'
# with open(f1) as f_input:
#     data ='\n')
# with open(f1, 'w') as f_output:
#     f_output.write(data)
# with open(f2) as f_input:
#     data ='\n')
# with open(f2, 'w') as f_output:
#     f_output.write(data)
# print(filecmp.cmp(f1, f2))

# file = ''
# with open(file, 'rt') as f:
#     content = f.readlines()
#     content = [line.strip().split() for line in content]
#     content = [[int(x) for x in line] for line in content]
#     N, M = content[0][0], content[0][1]
# g = Graph(N)
# g.neighbours = {i: [] for i in range(1, g.nodes + 1)}
# for edges in content[1:]:
#     g.addUndirectedEdge(edges[0], edges[1])
# codes, art_points = g.pamant()
# art_points.sort()
# with open('pamant.out', 'wt') as f:
#     f.write(str(len(codes)))
#     f.write('\n')
#     for t_code in codes:
#         f.write(str(t_code))
#         f.write(' ')
#     f.write('\n')
#     f.write(str(len(art_points)))
#     f.write('\n')
#     for node in art_points:
#         f.write(str(node))
#         f.write(' ')
# file = ''
# with open(file, 'rt') as f:
#     content = f.readlines()
#     content = [line.strip().split() for line in content]
#     content = [[int(x) for x in line] for line in content]
#     N, M, S, D = content[0][0], content[0][1], content[0][2], content[0][3]
#     edges = defaultdict(set)
#     lengths = []
#     g = Graph(N)
#     for e in content[1:-1]:
#         g.addUndirectedEdge(e[0], e[1])
#         edges[(e[0], e[1])] = set()
#     # print("edges: ", edges)
#     for length in content[-1]:
#         lengths.append(length)
#     # print("lengths: ", lengths)
#     # result = g.marmelada(S, D, edges, lengths)
#     # print(result)
#     result = g.marmelada2(S, D, edges)
#     print(result)
# with open('marmelada.out', 'wt') as f:
#     for e in content[1:-1]:
#         f.write(str(result[(e[0], e[1])].pop()))
#         f.write('\n')
# file = ''
# with open(file, 'rt') as f:
#     content = f.readlines()
#     content = [line.strip().split() for line in content]
#     content = [[int(x) for x in line] for line in content]
#     N, M = content[0][0], content[0][1]
# g = Graph(N)
# for edges in content[1:]:
#     g.addUndirectedEdge(edges[0], edges[1])
# max_extra, edges = g.conexidad()
# # print(max_extra, edges)
# with open('conexidad.out', 'wt') as f:
#     f.write(str(max_extra))
#     f.write('\n')
#     f.write(str(len(edges)))
#     f.write('\n')
#     for edge in edges:
#         f.write(str(edge[0]))
#         f.write(' ')
#         f.write(str(edge[1]))
#         f.write('\n')

# # Find distance from source to all reachable nodes in oriented graph
# file = ''
# with open(file, 'rt') as f:
#     content = f.readlines()
#     content = [line.strip().split() for line in content]
#     content = [[int(x) for x in line] for line in content]
#     N, M, S = content[0][0], content[0][1], content[0][2]
# g = Graph(N)
# for edges in content[1:]:
#     g.addDirectedEdge(edges[0], edges[1])
# result = g.bfs_cost(S)[1:]
# with open('bfs.out', 'wt') as f:
#     for c in result[0:-1]:
#         f.write(str(c))
#         f.write(' ')
#     f.write(str(result[-1]))

# file_ctc = ''
# with open(file_ctc, 'rt') as f:
#     content = f.readlines()
#     content = [line.strip().split() for line in content]
#     content = [[int(x) for x in line] for line in content]
#     N, M = content[0][0], content[0][1]
# g = Graph(N)
# for edges in content[1:]:
#     g.addDirectedEdge(edges[0], edges[1])
# visited = {i: False for i in range(1, g.nodes + 1)}
# result = g.SCC_Kosaraju()
# with open('ctc.out', 'wt') as f:
#     f.write(str(len(result.keys())))
#     f.write('\n')
#     for component in result.values():
#         for node in component:
#             f.write(str(node))
#             f.write(' ')
#         f.write('\n')
# file_sortaret = ''
# with open(file_sortaret, 'rt') as f:
#     content = f.readlines()
#     content = [line.strip().split() for line in content]
#     content = [[int(x) for x in line] for line in content]
#     N, M = content[0][0], content[0][1]
# g = Graph(N)
# for edges in content[1:]:
#     g.addDirectedEdge(edges[0], edges[1])
# visited = {i: False for i in range(1, N + 1)}
# result = g.topologicalSort()
# with open('sortaret.out', 'wt') as f:
#     for node in result:
#         f.write(str(node))
#         f.write(' ')
# file = ''
# with open(file, 'rt') as f:
#     content = f.readlines()
#     content = [line.strip().split() for line in content]
#     content = [[int(x) for x in line] for line in content]
#     N, M = content[0][0], content[0][1]
# g = Graph(N)
# for edges in content[1:]:
#     g.addUndirectedEdge(edges[0], edges[1])
# result = g.numberOfConnectedComponents()
# with open('dfs.out', 'wt') as f:
#     f.write(str(result))
# file = ''
# with open(file, 'rt') as f:
#     content = f.readlines()
#     content = [line.strip().split() for line in content]
#     content = [[int(x) for x in line] for line in content]
#     N, M, source, target = content[0][0], content[0][1], content[0][2], content[0][3]
# g = Graph(N)
# for edges in content[1:]:
#     g.addUndirectedEdge(edges[0], edges[1])
# r = g.bfs_shortest_paths(source, target)
# print(r)
# r = [set(s) for s in r]
# result = set.intersection(*r)
# print(result)
# with open('graf.out', 'wt') as f:
#     f.write(str(len(result)))
#     f.write('\n')
#     for element in result:
#         f.write(str(element))
#         f.write(' ')
# file = ''
# with open(file, 'rt') as f:
#     content = f.readlines()
#     content = [line.strip().split() for line in content]
#     content = [[int(x) for x in line] for line in content]
#     N, M = content[0][0], content[0][1]
# g = Graph(N)
# for edges in content[1:]:
#     g.addDirectedEdge(edges[0], edges[1], edges[2])
# result = g.Dijkstra(1)
# with open('dijkstra.out', 'wt') as f:
#     for node in result.keys():
#         if node == 1:
#             continue
#         if result[node] == float("inf"):
#             f.write(str(0))
#             f.write(' ')
#         else:
#             f.write(str(result[node]))
#             f.write(' ')
# f1 = 'grader_test2_dijkstra.ok'
# f2 = 'dijkstra.out'
# with open(f1) as f_input:
#     data ='\n')
# with open(f1, 'w') as f_output:
#     f_output.write(data)
# with open(f2) as f_input:
#     data ='\n')
# with open(f2, 'w') as f_output:
#     f_output.write(data)
# print(filecmp.cmp(f1, f2))
# file = ''
# with open(file, 'rt') as f:
#     content = f.readlines()
#     content = [line.strip().split() for line in content]
#     content = [[int(x) for x in line] for line in content]
#     N, M = content[0][0], content[0][1]
# g = Graph(N)
# for edges in content[1:]:
#     g.addDirectedEdge(edges[0], edges[1], edges[2])
# result = g.Bellman_Ford(1)
# with open('bellmanford.out', 'wt') as f:
#     if float("-inf") in result.values():
#         f.write("Ciclu negativ!")
#     else:
#         for cost in list(result.values()):
#             if cost != 0:
#                 f.write(str(cost))
#                 f.write(' ')
# f1 = 'grader_test10_Algoritmul_Bellman_Ford.ok'
# f2 = 'bellmanford.out'
# with open(f1) as f_input:
#     data ='\n')
# with open(f1, 'w') as f_output:
#     f_output.write(data)
# with open(f2) as f_input:
#     data ='\n')
# with open(f2, 'w') as f_output:
#     f_output.write(data)
# print(filecmp.cmp(f1, f2))
# file = ''
# with open(file, 'rt') as f:
#     content = f.readlines()
#     content = [line.strip().split() for line in content]
#     content = [[int(x) for x in line] for line in content]
#     N = content[0][0]
#     costs = content[1:]
# g = Graph(N)
# result = g.Floyd_Warshall(costs)
# with open('royfloyd.out', 'wt') as f:
#     for i in range(0, g.nodes):
#         for j in range(0, g.nodes):
#             f.write(str(result[i][j]))
#             f.write(' ')
#         f.write('\n')
# f1 = 'grader_test3_royfloyd.ok'
# f2 = 'royfloyd.out'
# with open(f1) as f_input:
#     data ='\n')
# with open(f1, 'w') as f_output:
#     f_output.write(data)
# with open(f2) as f_input:
#     data ='\n')
# with open(f2, 'w') as f_output:
#     f_output.write(data)
# print(filecmp.cmp(f1, f2))
# file = ''
# with open(file, 'rt') as f:
#     content = f.readlines()
#     content = [line.strip().split() for line in content]
#     content = [[int(x) for x in line] for line in content]
#     N = content[0][0]
# g = Graph(N)
# for edges in content[1:]:
#     g.addUndirectedEdge(edges[0], edges[1])
# result = g.darb()
# with open('darb.out', 'wt') as f:
#     f.write(str(result[2]))
# file = ''
# with open(file, 'rt') as f:
#     content = f.readlines()
#     content = [line.strip().split() for line in content]
#     content = [[int(x) for x in line] for line in content]
#     N, M = content[0][0], content[0][1]
# g = Graph(N)
# for edges in content[1:]:
#     g.addUndirectedEdge(edges[0], edges[1])
# result = g.biconnected_components()[0]
# # print(result)
# with open('biconex.out', 'wt') as f:
#     f.write(str(len(result)))
#     f.write('\n')
#     for component in result:
#         for node in component:
#             f.write(str(node))
#             f.write(' ')
#         f.write('\n')
# f1 = 'grader_test6_biconex.ok'
# f2 = 'biconex.out'
# with open(f1) as f_input:
#     data ='\n')
# with open(f1, 'w') as f_output:
#     f_output.write(data)
# with open(f2) as f_input:
#     data ='\n')
# with open(f2, 'w') as f_output:
#     f_output.write(data)
# print(filecmp.cmp(f1, f2))