Diferente pentru blog/square-root-trick intre reviziile #64 si #65

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_We're starting a series of articles describing tricks useful in programming contests. Please keep the comments in English._
Being flexible and easy to code, the square root trick is a pretty popular in the Romanian programming contests community. It even has a name: "jmenul lu Batog" which means Batog's trick :). Bogdan Batog introduced it to a few high school students more than ten years ago and the trick entered romanian coding contest folklore.
Being flexible and easy to code, the square root trick is pretty popular in the Romanian programming contests community. It even has a name: "jmenul lu Batog" which means Batog's trick :). Bogdan Batog introduced it to a few high school students more than ten years ago and the trick entered romanian coding contest folklore.
Enough introduction, let’s check out a few problems!

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