Diferente pentru blog/deep-learning-what-was-wrong-in-1986 intre reviziile #47 si #8

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Neural nets have been around for quite some time. They have become popular only in the last few years. How come?
Neural nets have been around for a long time. Why are they popular only now?
Geoffrey Hinton quickly addresses the question in his 'talk':https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcOMKXAw5VA&feature=youtu.be&t=21m29s
Here are two slides from Geoffrey Hinton's talk summarizing the problems:
!<{margin-right: 20px; auto;display:block;border: 1px solid gray;}blog/deep-learning-what-was-wrong-in-1986?wrong1986.jpg !
!<{margin-right: 20px}blog/deep-learning-what-was-wrong-in-1986?wrong1986.jpg !
Watch the entire talk!
!<{margin-right: 20px; auto;display:block;border: 1px solid gray;}blog/deep-learning-what-was-wrong-in-1986?viewofwhatswrong1990.jpg !
I recommend the whole talk

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